Sexual Misconduct
IMPORTANT NOTICE: In compliance with the U.S. Department of Education’s Title IX Final Rule, effective August 14, 2020, Seattle University implemented a new policy, the Policy for Complying with the Title IX Regulations-Title IX Final Rule, which impacts the application of the Sexual Offenses, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking Policy. Please see the policy and the Office of Institutional Equity’s for additional information.
Seattle University’s Commitment
Seattle University affirms respect, responsibility, and care between all persons. Conduct constituting a sexual offense, such as non-consensual sexual intercourse, non-consensual sexual contact, sexual exploitation or sexual assault, will not be tolerated. Behavior of this nature is inconsistent with Seattle University values, and is a violation of the Code of Student conduct and University policy. Students committing a sexual misconduct in any form can be disciplined under the Code of Student Conduct. If you are in need of emergency assistance please call 206-296-5911 to reach our Department of Public Safety or call 911 to reach Seattle Police.
Seattle University provides many resources to assist and support students who experience sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or other sexual misconduct, regardless of where or when it occurs, or by whom. Visit Get Help to learn more about on- and off-campus resources and reporting options.
For specific resources and information for staff and faculty who have experienced sexual misconduct, please contact the Office of Institutional Equity.
The University offers assistance to all students who experience sexual misconduct, whether or not they pursue formal reporting. Examples of interim actions include: shielding a student from ongoing contact with an individual; taking that individual out of a class or issuing an administrative no-contact order; assigning an individual to a different lab or other clinical setting; asking an administrative authority to speak to the individual to express serious concern about a behavior; reminding the individual of policies and definitions relating to sexual misconduct; offering counseling targeted to addressing sexual aggression; and reorganizing housing assignments so that students can feel safer. Interim actions do not preclude formal discipline.
Privacy concerns are often at the forefront when someone has experienced sexual misconduct. It is useful to know the degree of confidentiality that individuals can expect from each of the University resources.
Resources identified as “confidential” will not share any information without your informed, written consent, unless there is an imminent risk of harm to self or others.
All other faculty and staff are expected to maintain information about sexual misconduct as extremely private, and to notify the University’s Title IX Coordinator who ensures that each individual is appropriately supported with resources and options that empower them to make informed decisions.
Students can always ask about an employee’s responsibilities before sharing information and have the right to speak with confidential resources.
Confidential according to state law: Exploratory conversations are confidential. Police reports, with identifying information redacted, may be available to the public upon request.
Find Help Right Away
In a situation involving an immediate threat of safety to oneself or others, call 911 or Seattle University Public Safety at 206-296-5911.
Visit the Harborview Center for Sexual Assault & Traumatic Stress website or call 206-744-1600 for more information.