CDLI banner image, man using tablet with colorful distortion effect in background

Center for Digital Learning and Innovation

CDLI supports Seattle University faculty to ensure digital learning reflects the Jesuit approach to education.

Explore Strategies for Teaching with Technology

The Center for Digital Learning & Innovation (CDLI) is a place where faculty can explore strategies for incorporating technology into online, hybrid and web-facilitated courses. Come learn, experiment, and share ideas with a supportive community of practice.

CDLI Help Center

Upcoming Events

Our Mission

We support faculty in the thoughtful use of emerging learning technologies to ensure that all digitally mediated courses reflect the high-touch, deeply experiential learning consistent with the Jesuit approach to education.

ChatGPT and Generative AI

ChatGPT and Generative AI icon

Find out more about ChatGPT and Generative AI, how to develop academic integrity and appropriate use policies, and how to mitigate plagiarism and cheating.

Faculty Tech Tools

Canvas Icon


Learn more about using Canvas

Zoom icon


Get help teaching with Zoom

Contact CDLI

We are conveniently located across the hall from SUperCopy and we are open Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

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