
Congratulations to the Newest Arts and Sciences Emeriti Faculty

Written by Karen L. Bystrom
June 2, 2020

Dr. David V. Powers, Dean of the College of Arts and Science congratulates the College’s newest Emeriti Faculty, Dr. Gordon Miller, Environmental Studies, and Dr. Andre Tadie, English.

“We are deeply grateful for their service,” said Dr. Powers. “They each represent the high quality of our Seattle University faculty, supporting students throughout their academic careers.”

Gordon Miller, PhD

Dr. Miller began teaching in SU’s fledgling Environmental Studies Program in 1998 and during the ensuing years, drawing on his interdisciplinary background, taught a range of courses from Environmental History and Acoustic Ecology to Nature Writing and Natural History. He served as director of the program from 2007 to 2017 and always worked to increase student opportunities and participation by redesigning and expanding the curriculum, establishing and overseeing the innovative urban agriculture project called City Soil Farm, and in many other ways.

He was also a co-founder of the Center for Environmental Justice and Sustainability and served on the steering committee for its first five years. As retirement beckons, Gordon is eager to respond even more fully to the call of the wild, particularly in his continuing research and writing on the amazing phenomenon of frogs, Earth’s first vocalizers. He’s also eager to spend more time birding, biking, hiking, camping, etc., with his Professor Emerita wife, Jacquelyn.

Andrew Tadie, PhD

Dr. Tadie retired in Fall Quarter 2019 in his 40th year at Seattle University.  He came to Seattle University in 1979 from Newman College in Kansas where he had already earned tenure and served as chair for six years.

In his 40 years at Seattle University, Dr. Tadie has lived the life of a devoted and dedicated teacher, serving not only the English program, but also University Honors, Matteo Ricci College, and the Faith & the Great Ideas program, which he directed until 1999.  Dr. Tadie has two co-edited books, Permanent Things: Toward the Recovery of a More Human Scale at the End of the Twentieth Century (Eerdmans, 1995) and G.K. Chesterton and C.S. Lewis: the Riddle of Joy (Eerdmans, 1989).  He is widely considered to be one of the most collegial, fair-minded, unostentatious, and kind colleagues in the College of Arts and Sciences.