Full Sullivan Scholar Community

Alexa James

Alexa James

Hometown: Concord, California

High School: Carondolet High School

Major and Minor: Electrical Engineering Major

Alexa James identifies as a Black Agnostic person. Alexa is an excellent student inside of Carondolet's rigorous Catholic curriculum. They will have completed six AP classes upon graduation and have already completed three AP exams (Computer Science, Lang and Comp, and US History) earning fives on all three. While their academic accomplishments speak volumes, it's the multiverse of identities and communities that Alexa transits that sets them apart as one of the best candidates for this award in its recent history. They wrote persuasively of Carondolet's uniquely Catholic charism  of  "loving the dear neighbor without distinction" as a value that they want to carry through life and a primary reason for considering Seattle University's Jesuit mission. Alexa spoke candidly with the selection committee of navigating their Black identity through Carondolet's predominantly white and conservative community. They are the founder of the school book club Novel Ideas, a leader in Carondolet's ASB, the secretary forthe Black Student Union, and a varsity rugby player. Alexa's post-college aspiration is to become an engineer.