Full Sullivan Scholar Community

Brian Elliott

Brian Elliott

Hometown: Broomfield, Colorado

High School: Holy Family High School

Major and Minor: Business & Law Major

Brian Elliott (he/him/his), identifies as a white Catholic man. He has performed well academically at one of Colorado's best Catholic high schools. Alex will have completed eight AP classes upon graduation from Holy Family. Brian has persevered through tremendously difficult circumstances during the pandemic. His parents divorced just prior to the lockdown in Denver. Circumstances required the whole family including recently divorced parents to continue living together in a one bedroom apartment. He lost his Grandmother to COVID-19 in April 2020. Brian shared during the selection process that the challenges and tragedy that he  experienced during the pandemic are primary motivation for him to become the person he is meant to become. He applied to Seattle U because of  his family's many ties to Jesuit education. Brian is active as an Student Ambassador for Holy Names, Mock Trial, Colorado Youth in Government, and a variety of community service opportunities. Brian's aspiration 
is to practice law in a corporate setting.