Full Sullivan Scholar Community

Evelyn Smith

Evelyn Smith

Hometown: Kirkland, Washington

High School: Juanita High School

Major and Minor: Biology Major, Honors Admit

Evelyn Smith (she/her/hers), identifies as white non-denominational Christian woman. Academically, she is remarkable. She is taking one of the most rigorous curricula at her high school having taken coursework in both the AP program as well as the Cambridge Curriculum. The highlights of her senior schedule include AP calculus AB, A-Level biology, and A-Level US history. Evelyn's writing is phenomenal. Both her application essay and Sullivan essay are among the best we reviewed this application season. Evelyn's leadership and involvement includes: Mathnasium (instructor), National Honor Society, Model UN (staff member), Girl Scouts (Silver Award). Her post-education ambition is to become a doctor.