
  • Entry-level/Management-trainee
  • Supervision of employees and operations
  • Project management
  • Team management
  • Information management
  • Operations management (See Below)
  • Middle management
  • Top management


  • Nearly every type of organization across industries offer management positions:
    • Banks and financial institutions
    • Retail stores
    • Restaurants
    • Hotels and other facilities
    • Service providers
    • Healthcare organizations
    • Manufacturers
    • Software and technology companies
    • Educational institutions
  • Local, state, and federal government
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Self-employed


  • Be prepared to start in entry-level management trainee positions or corporate rotational training programs.
  • Gain related experience through internships or summer and part-time jobs.
  • Work at a retail store or restaurant; advance into an assistant manager position.
  • Get involved in student organizations and assume leadership roles.
  • Demonstrate a strong work ethic, integrity, and a sense of independence.
  • Take courses in a secondary specialty such as marketing or information systems to increase job opportunities.
  • Learn to communicate effectively with a wide variety of people and to work well on a team.
  • Develop strong problem-solving skills.

Human Resource Management

  • Recruiting/Staffing
  • Compensation
  • Benefits
  • Training
  • Safety
  • Employee relations
  • Industrial relations
  • Organizational development
  • Equal employment opportunity
  • Employment law
  • Consulting


  • Large organizations in a variety of industries:
    • Banks and financial institutions
    • Retail stores
    • Restaurants
    • Hotels and other facilities
    • Service providers
    • Healthcare organizations
    • Manufacturers
    • Software and technology companies
    • Educational institutions
  • Temporary or staffing agencies
  • Executive search firms
  • Local, state, and federal government
  • Labor unions
  • Major nonprofit organizations


  • Take courses in the social sciences such as psychology and sociology.
  • Gain relevant experience through internships.
  • Hone your verbal and written communication skills.
  • Learn to solve problems creatively, and build strong conflict resolution skills.
  • Develop strong computer skills because many human resource systems are automated.
  • Join the Society of Human Resource Management and other related professional associations.
  • Be prepared for continuous learning once in the profession, and seek endorsements such as the Professional Human Resource Certification or Certified Employee Benefits Specialist.
  • Earn a master’s degree for career advancement or a law degree for employment law.

Operations Management

  • Operations research analysis:
    • Business strategy
    • Facilities layout
    • Inventory control
    • Personnel scheduling
  • Production management:
    • Line supervision
    • Manufacturing management
    • Production planning
    • Quality assurance
  • Materials management:
    • Purchasing/buying
    • Traffic management
    • Inventory management


  • Manufacturers
  • Industrial organizations
  • Service organizations


  • Develop strong analytical skills and a logical approach to problem solving.  Skills in budgeting and cost management are also important.
  • Take courses in logistics, statistics, or computer systems. This is a more technical side of management.
  • Learn to manage multiple situations and problems.
  • Be able to communicate effectively with different types of people in various functional areas.
  • Earn an MBA to reach the highest levels of operations management.


  • Industrial sales
  • Consumer product sales
  • Financial services sales
  • Services sales
  • Advertising sales
  • Corporate sales
  • Manufacturer representation
  • Direct consumer sales
  • E-commerce
  • Customer service
  • Sales management:
    • District, regional, and higher


  • For-profit and nonprofit organizations
  • Product and service organizations
  • Manufacturers
  • Financial companies
  • Insurance companies
  • Print and electronic media outlets
  • Software and technology companies
  • Internet companies


  • Obtain experience through internships or summer and part-time jobs.
  • Seek leadership positions in campus organizations.
  • Work for the campus newspaper, directory, or radio station selling advertisements.
  • Become highly motivated and well-organized. Learn to work well under pressure and to be comfortable in a competitive environment.
  • Be prepared to work independently and to be self-motivated. Plan to work irregular and long hours.
  • Cultivate strong persuasion skills. Learn how to communicate effectively with a wide range of people and build relationships. Take courses in interpersonal communication and public speaking.
  • Build a strong knowledge base of the product or service you are selling.
  • To deliver effective customer service, develop problem solving skills, self-confidence, assertiveness, and empathy. Become committed to customer satisfaction.
  • Some positions in sales, such as pharmaceuticals, require at least one to two years of a proven record in outside sales. Be prepared to start in a different industry before getting a job in pharmaceuticals.


  • Sales
  • Claims
  • Underwriting
  • Risk management
  • Asset management
  • Loss control
  • Customer service


  • Insurance firms
  • Insurance brokers


  • Complete an internship with an insurance agency.
  • Talk to professionals in the industry to learn more about claims, underwriting, and risk management. Many entry-level positions exist in these areas.
  • Initiative and sales ability are necessary to be a successful agent or broker.
  • Develop strong communication skills as many positions require interaction with others and the ability to explain information clearly and concisely.
  • There are many certifications in the insurance industry. Research those relevant to your area.

Real Estate

  • Brokerage/Sales:
    • Residential
    • Commercial
  • Office and industrial
  • Farm and land
  • Property management
  • Appraising
  • Land development


  • Real estate brokers and firms
  • Banks
  • Appraisal firms
  • Apartment and condominium complexes
  • Leasing offices
  • Developers
  • Large corporations: real estate departments


  • Research the process of becoming a real estate broker through the National Association of Realtors. Every state requires a combination of real estate courses, passing an exam, and other criterion to gain a license.
  • Obtain sales experience through part-time, summer, or internship positions.
  • Develop an entrepreneurial spirit as nearly 60% of brokers and agents are self-employed.
  • Be willing to work evenings and weekends to accommodate clients’ schedules.
  • Investigate apprenticeships in appraisal if that is an area of interest.

Banking and Finance

  • Commercial banking
  • Retail/Consumer banking
  • Credit analysis
  • Lending
  • Trust services
  • Mortgage services
  • Branch management
  • Operations


  • Banks
  • Credit unions
  • Savings and loan associations
  • Financial services institutions
  • Wholesale lenders
  • Housing lenders
  • Federal Reserve banks


  • Build a solid background in business including marketing and accounting.
  • Get experience through part-time, summer, or internship positions in a bank.
  • Develop strong interpersonal and communication skills in order to work well with a diverse clientele.

General Information

  • Management is a broad business degree that can lead to many career opportunities. Students should clearly define their career goals and gain the skills and experiences needed through internships, part-time jobs, or summer positions.
  • Get involved in student organizations and seek leadership roles.
  • Learn to work well on a team and to interact effectively with a wide variety of people.
  • Strong communication skills, including public speaking, are important to achieving success in this field.
  • Conduct informational interviews with professionals in jobs of interest to learn about their work environments.
  • Join related professional organizations and pursue certifications in your area of interest.
  • Develop and utilize a personal network of contacts. Once in a position, find an experienced mentor.
  • Look for companies that hire new graduates into rotational training or corporate leadership development programs to gain exposure to multiple functional areas.
  • A willingness to relocate often opens more entry-level opportunities.
  • Consider earning an MBA after gaining work experience to reach the highest levels of business management.

Professional Associations

Occupational Outlook

Related Resources

Employment Opportunities