Chemistry, BS
This degree prepares you for a career in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medicine and other similar fields by helping you learn how to think and conduct experiments like a scientist.
About this Program
Prepare for a Meaningful Career in a Supportive Scientific Environment
Become An Independent Researcher
We have embedded research skills and bona fide research across the curriculum to prepare you for a wide array of career options.
For example, we offer an award-winning research-based version of General Chemistry III with lots of hands-on investigation and a neuro-inclusive design. In this course, you learn all the same topics covered in General Chemistry III, but in the context of a research program. First year students can learn by doing electrochemistry that is at the cutting edge of research – try finding that at other universities!
Top 25% in Science & Engineering
Seattle University ranks #40 in the nation —U.S. News & World Report, 2023
Student-to-Faculty Ratio
Small classes led by talented faculty to foster active learning, an SU hallmark.
Our average of women STEM students nearly doubles the national average of only 23%.
Academic and Professional Skills to Thrive
Do Research with Creative Faculty
Research is woven throughout your curriculum, and you’ll have research opportunities every year during your academic career. As a junior or senior, you’ll work one-on-one with a faculty member on publication-quality research using sophisticated instrumentation—some students even start as sophomores. We require research because this real-world experience prepares you for the best jobs in chemistry as well as top graduate and professional programs at internationally renowned institutions.
If the career you want requires an advanced degree, you can be confident that your Seattle University chemistry degree and research experience will make you super-competitive for top graduate programs. You’ll find Seattle University chemistry graduates at:
- UC Berkeley
- Harvard
- Stanford
- Caltech
- University of Washington
- ETH in Zurich, Switzerland
Students graduating with a degree in chemistry typically pursue graduate study in chemistry (M.S. or Ph.D.), attend medical/dental/pharmacy school, or start their career in the chemical industry.
Lots of chemists work in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries, but because of chemistry's wide application throughout STEM, jobs for chemists are available in a wide variety of industries. Our location in the heart of Seattle means you’ll have lots of opportunities right here in the city.
From Our Alumni
Tudi Le, '19
“The level of compassion and support offered to the students in the Department of Chemistry is phenomenal. It’s so clear that everyone strives to create a learning environment that is safe and welcoming, where students are encouraged to be curious and intentional about their own education. All the professors and staff are so kind, generous, and eager to aid us in our personal and professional journeys so that we can graduate not only as better scientists but also as better people."
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We’re here to help. For information about chemistry degrees at Seattle University, contact: