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Film and Media, BA

Explore Film and Media studies at Seattle University: Develop critical film skills, make your own films, and pursue careers in film and media industries.

About this Program

Understand Visual Culture to Create Your Own Powerful Films

From movies and television to social media and virtual reality, the BA in Film and Media at Seattle University places film, television and media in their cultural, historical and global contexts.

Film and media studies explores our image-saturated culture by teaching you about the history, aesthetics, technologies and industries of visual culture and how to make your own creative films.

You will be developing critical skills in film and media production as well as writing, independent research and historical analysis and acquiring key media literacy skills for your future.

You can major or minor in Film and Media, and you can combine it with many other majors. Our students have double majored in business, journalism, environmental studies, creative writing, photography, theater, arts leadership or design.

Students interested in film and media production can also study screenwriting, narrative, documentary and experimental filmmaking and take advanced classes in producing, editing, sound and cinematography.

Film and Media Degree at a Glance

Learn how this degree from the Department of Film and Media will contribute to your career goals. Then, explore course requirements and see how impactful a Seattle University degree can be.

Embarking on a major in film and media is a transformative odyssey. As a film and media major, you immerse yourself in the comprehensive study of visual storytelling, exploring film theory, production techniques, and media analysis. This multidisciplinary journey spans the evolution of cinematic arts, from silent classics to cutting-edge digital productions. Through hands-on experiences, you master the intricacies of filmmaking, cultivating creativity and critical thinking. The major not only deepens your appreciation for cultural narratives but also equips you with technical skills crucial in the competitive media landscape. With a film and media major, you're poised to shape and contribute to the ever-evolving world of visual communication.

Choosing a minor in film and media opens a captivating realm where storytelling meets technology. As a minor, you delve into the art of visual narrative, studying film history, production techniques, and media analysis. This interdisciplinary journey immerses you in the dynamic landscape of cinematic expression, from classic to contemporary. You gain hands-on experience with production tools, honing your creativity and critical thinking. A film and media minor not only enriches your understanding of cultural influences and communication strategies but also equips you with versatile skills applicable in various industries, from entertainment to marketing, offering a lens through which to comprehend and contribute to the evolving world of visual storytelling.

A film and media major will:

  • Foster student knowledge of the history, theory, aesthetics, institutional contexts and different production modes of a selection of international and American films and media, from their beginnings in the 1890’s until the present.
  • Foster student awareness of the historical and theoretical relations of media to structures of power, economics, and ideology.
  • Develop and enhance students’ media literacies through the development of critical, analytical and argumentation skills and independent research.
  • Develop student’s critical awareness and creative practice with new forms of visual and aural storytelling, and with new media technology and modes of production, distribution, and exhibition.
  • Enhance student learning experiences by fostering relationships with working professionals in media industries, embedding service learning and/or by developing new opportunities for networking, creative production, and collaboration.

What You’ll Learn

Learn about the classes you’ll take as a student here.

Career-Ready Education

Two Students Look Through a Camera
Click to play the video

Production Classes

How are the production classes structured? Explore the production track in our department.

Many Career Options for Film Majors

Make a Difference Through Film

You can connect with Seattle University's mission for social justice by going out into communities and telling stories of the Northwest. You might make a film about a the environment or a migrant worker or volunteer with a nonprofit organization on local or national issues to help create social change.

After you graduate, you might use your film and media skills as a writer, editor, journalist, curator, programmer, teacher or artist.

You might work on social media, communications, or marketing for a large company like Amazon, Google or NBC, or make your own creative projects in film, television, gaming or the web. You may also consider going on to do graduate work in film and media history and production.

Seattle Is a Vibrant Center for Film and Video Game Production

With major companies like Amazon, Boeing, Starbucks and Microsoft headquartered here, SU students find internship opportunities in a wide range of corporate settings. Students also work with leading film organizations like the Seattle International Film Festival, Social Justice, NFFTY, TASVEER, and Northwest Film Forum.

Through internships, you can get hands-on experience in festival programming and curation, or help produce films for local nonprofits.

Getting professional experience by shadowing someone who is a festival programmer, producer, scholar, artist, producer or curator is vital for building your resume and making connections. Fifty percent of all internships lead to permanent job offers.

From Our Alumni

Samantha Grande

Samantha Grande, ‘24

"Throughout my years in the Film and Media Studies program, I've had the opportunity to learn from the most passionate and dedicated faculty. They have encouraged me to challenge myself and master skills vital to today's film and entertainment industry. They have also allowed me to embrace my unique experiences, which have impacted my filmmaking in a more fulfilling and powerful way."

BA in Film & Media

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