
Explore some of the scholarship and fellowship opportunities available to help you fund your degree in International Studies and prepare you for your future career.

Follow the dozens of International Studies majors who have earned competitive grants to fund graduate school, research, service opportunities, and travel abroad.

More information on each is available from the Office of Fellowships, but first take a look at a few examples of these great opportunities.

Boren Awards

Boren Fellowships, provide unique funding opportunities for US students to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to US interests, and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

Ariana Dennis

As an Afghan American Muslim, studying abroad in Jordan was one of the closest opportunities I could have to visiting and living in a country with a culture similar to my own. The conflict Afghanistan has faced has produced innumerable problems for Afghans around the world, only one of which includes a sense of distance and disconnect for the diaspora communities. Being able to live in a Muslim majority country immersed in Arab culture that so closely parallels Afghan culture, allowed me to reconnect and learn more about my own identities. I formed a close community of people that I look forward to visiting again and again.

Critical Language Scholarship

The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is a fully funded overseas summer language and cultural immersion program for American students. CLS provides study opportunities to a diverse range of students at every level of language learning.

Rachel Adamek

Rachel Adamek spent the summer studying Korean in Busan, South Korea as an awardee of the 2019 U.S. Department of State’s Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program.  Rachel was one of only 550 competitively selected American students representing 233 colleges and universities across the United States to receive a CLS award. The CLS Program is part of a U.S. government effort to expand the number of Americans studying and mastering critical foreign languages. CLS scholars gain critical language and cultural skills in languages that are less commonly taught in U.S. schools, but are essential for America’s engagement with the world, contributing to U.S. economic competitiveness and national security.

Fulbright US Student Program

This is a funded year of postbaccalaureate research, study, or English teaching in one of 140 countries worldwide. There are two general types of awards: full grants, which fund research projects, university studies, journalism projects, and projects in the creative and performing arts; and English teaching assistantships (ETAs), which are offered in about half of the participating countries. Some, but not all, countries require host-country language skills and teaching experience.

Shayan Chisti

Shayan was awarded a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship to teach English to students in Mexico. This fellowship will benefit her future goals as she plans to go to law school and work with immigrants. This English Teaching Assistantship will enhance her intercultural cooperation skills and familiarize her with how to be responsive to the language barriers that immigrants may face. Shayan graduated with double majors in International Studies and Spanish.

Gilman International Scholarship

The Gilman Scholarship offers grants of up to $5,000 to US students who receive Pell Grants to participate in a credit-bearing study-abroad program or internship. The Gilman Scholarship aims to diversify the kinds of students who study and intern abroad and the countries where they go by supporting US undergraduates who might otherwise not consider these unique and valuable opportunities due to financial constraints.

Cilia Jurdy

The Gilman Scholarship was incredibly helpful in allowing me to study abroad in the Middle East, which was the area I focused on while completing my International Studies undergrad degree. I was able to spend time in Amman, Jordan to strengthen my Arabic language skills. My time there improved my Arabic and allowed me to see Middle East-US Relations from a different perspective than is usually taught.

My International Studies undergraduate degree provided me with the ability to approach complex problems and issues in a thoughtful, compassionate way. It helped me understand and incorporate diverse ideas into my decision-making and ignited my passion for working to support immigrants and refugees, which lead me to my current career in nonprofits. My final paper on US Aid in Jordan lead to me traveling back to Jordan in 2017 to work with various organizations supporting Syrian refugees.

US Department of State Internship

The U.S. Department of State has several paid and unpaid programs for students. These long-term or short-term programs can be in D.C, other cities in the US, or abroad, and offer U.S. citizen students a chance to participate in the formulation and implementation of U.S. foreign policy.

Paige Bowman

This internship opened my eyes to the vast world of career opportunities in D.C. (and abroad!) in the U.S. government. Interning for the Department of State in Panama helped me realize that I can have a career that allows me to practice Spanish, travel, and also work towards U.S. foreign policy goals.

I am grateful that my International Studies advisors supported me in pursuing this opportunity and subsequently assisted me in my applications for graduate school. I am now in D.C. pursuing a master’s degree in security studies with a focus on International Security, and wouldn’t be here without the mentorship of the International Studies program.

Peace Corps

Join the Peace Corps in the youth development, education, health, community economic development, or other service projects.  Current seniors can apply for positions departing between July and September of the following year. All expenses for volunteer assignments are paid by the Peace Corps. Upon the completion of your service, you will also receive a readjustment allowance of over $10,000 to spend in any way you choose.

Hope Tucker

I taught English at an Islamic high school (grade 10-12) and the excitement to learn during each class is what motivated me to keep thinking of hands on and engaging activities to practice English. My main goal was to portray a more accurate vision of America to my students who really understood the United States through the lens of movies and social media platforms. Being part of the International Studies program showed me options I could pursue after graduating. Having the exposure to Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCVs) coming and talking about their experiences in our classes inspired me to apply.  Learning about different cultures and countries outside your own, is what I found most valuable and what I think allows my students, who will probably never get the chance to travel, to have a more open mind--it builds a more well-rounded student and human.

Clapp Humanitarian Scholarship

The Bill and Paula Clapp Humanitarian scholarship is intended for academically successful sophomores who have demonstrated a personal commitment to and aptitude for leadership in humanitarian service, particularly in the international arena. The scholarships provide $10,000 per academic year and are renewable through graduation contingent on academic progress and service activities.

Audrey Akots

The Clapp Humanitarian Scholarship has been an excellent opportunity for me to connect with like-minded students at Seattle University and discuss humanitarian crises and issues that are particularly resonant with us. In a world where international conflict is common and human rights abuses still occur daily, it is encouraging to be surrounded by other young people so full of hope who are eager to brainstorm and problem-solve.

Naef Scholarship

The Naef Scholarship recognizes outstanding junior and senior students from diverse backgrounds in the undergraduate schools and programs of the University. The scholars hold endorsements from faculty and staff across the university and have been recognized for their work on and off campus and their leadership.

“Being a Naef Scholar is an incredible honor! The program is a valuable experience in community building as it connects me with a wonderful and sincere group of students. I am privileged to be able to come to know such passionate people and merge our skills and initiatives to help one another in our various endeavors for social justice.”

International Studies Program Study Abroad Scholarship

The International Studies program highly values the opportunity to live, study, or work in a country outside of the US. Recognizing this, International Studies alumni and other friends of the program have made donations to support your study abroad plans. The International Studies Study Abroad Scholarship will provide between $300 and $1,000 for up to three International Studies students’ travel plans (i.e., the scholarship may be used to pay part of an airline ticket, or other travel expenses).

Hallie Evans