Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs about the Master of Science in Kinesiology program.

Below are answers to commonly asked questions about the Master of Science in Kinesiology program.

In this section we cover topics including:

Program Details

Program Details

Learn more about curriculum


  • Research track students may pursue a career in research education or industrial settings, many students will continue to a PhD program or allied health program.


The priority deadline to submit your application to be considered for a graduate assistantship is February 15th. If you are not interested in being considered for a graduate assistantship, we will accept applications on a rolling basis. Learn more.

  1. Domestic Students: Application requirements
  2. International students should also review additional International application requirements

No, we do not ask that students have an approved supervisor prior to submitting their application. 

  • We provide full consideration to all applicants.
  • We are looking for students who are passionate about either research and learning how to conduct independent research on a topic they are excited about.
  • Learn more about application requirements

Learn more about prerequisite requirements.

Yes, as long as the courses are completed by the time the program starts (mid-September) and you send transcripts to show evidence that you have completed any outstanding coursework, you can still apply to the program and if you were offered admission, it would be a conditional offer of admission dependent on you completing those courses.

Financial Aid/Scholarships

All students who apply to the program are considered for institutional aid and we typically are able to offer $1,200 - $2,400 in aid/year for both years of the program.

In addition to the institutional aid, we do offer a limited number of graduate assistantship opportunities for our students as well. Graduate assistantship positions do not include a tuition waiver but do pay students a predetermined rate for a predetermined number of hours per week. Some students use that money to pay for their tuition and other use it to cover their living expenses.

Domestic students can apply for federal financial aid by submitting a FAFSA.

International students finance their education through a combination of personal funds, an employer, government, or familial sponsor, and/or loans. For international students, it is recommended that they consider scheduling an appointment with Student Financial Services or our  International Student Center to learn more about opportunities to finance their graduate education.

We do offer GA positions - typically around 4-5 positions a year. These positions do not include a tuition waiver, but do pay students a predetermined rate for a predetermined number of hours per week. Some students use that money to pay for their tuition and other use it to cover their living expenses.

Positions vary in responsibilities but can include

  • Teaching assistance
  • Research assistance with opportunities for publication and presentations
  • Community outreach
  • Social media management
  • Fitness programming
  • Strength & conditioning coaching
  • Working with other external partners in the fitness and wellness space

Get in Touch

If you have any questions about the program or application, we’re here to help.

Destiny Ledesma

Senior Admissions Counselor

Destiny Ledesma smiling headshot