Program Outline

Discover the full-time Master in Teaching program at Seattle University, featuring a structured schedule, social justice foundations, and a capstone portfolio project that prepares educators to promote equity in K-12 classrooms.

Program Schedule

The MIT program is full-time, with classes scheduled Monday-Friday. With a few exceptions, classes are scheduled from 9:00am - 3:00pm. During the time students are in the field, schedules will vary based on the schedules of the K-12 school sites.

Classes begin prior to the University schedule, in mid-August, to align with the calendar of local School Districts.

Phase Quarter Elementary Credits Secondary Credits
Social Justice Foundations & Methods of Teaching Fall 26 28
Methods of Teaching Winter 16 14
Internship & Critical Reflection Spring 18 18
Hired Fall of following year

Program of Study

Teacher Education at Seattle University prepares social justice educators who actively strive for educational equity in partnership with students, families, and communities furthest from justice, through a lifelong process of critical reflection and action rooted in anti-racist and humanizing pedagogies. Our program is 60 credits total.    

MIT Strand 1 - Social Justice Identity  MIT Strand 2 - Authentic Partnerships  MIT Strand 3 - Learning Environment  MIT Strand 4 - Planning, Instruction and Assessment

Phase 1 - Social Justice Foundations

Coursework: The coursework at the start of the program will begin with an overview of the big socio-cultural issues that shape the field of education. Additional courses will teach MIT students how to better understand the diverse learning needs of students and apply anti-racist and humanizing learning theories as we begin to practice planning, instruction, and assessment.

Field-based Education: During this first phase of field-based learning, MIT students will have multiple full weeks in their internship placement. Each field week is connected directly to the courses being taught. Students will complete observations and interviews, and support learning in various ways to develop strong relationships with their mentor teacher, the students in their internship classes and their school community.

Elementary Secondary
TEED 5110 Sociopolitical Context of Schools (4 cr) TEED 5110 Sociopolitical Context of Schools (4 cr)
TEED 5111 Learning and Justice Through the Arts (1 cr) TEED 5111 Learning and Justice Through the Arts (1 cr)
TEED 5112 Thriving Teaching & Learning Communities I (3 cr) TEED 5112 Thriving Teaching & Learning Communities I (3 cr)
TEED 5113 Foundations & Frameworks for Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students (3 cr) TEED 5113 Foundations & Frameworks for Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students (3 cr)
TEED 5114 Sociocultural Theories of Learning & Anti-Racist Practice (3 cr) TEED 5114 Sociocultural Theories of Learning & Anti-Racist Practice (3 cr)
TEED 5116 Fostering the Development of the Whole Student (Elementary) (4 cr) TEED 5117 Fostering the Development of the Whole Student (Secondary) (4 cr)
TEED 5121 Elementary Language & Literacy I (7 cr) TEED 5130 Secondary Unit Planning & Assessment I (4 cr)
  TEED 5131 Secondary Subject-based Teaching Methods (2 cr)

Phase 2 - Methods of Instruction

Coursework: The coursework during this phase of the program will do a deep dive into subject-specific instructional methods, lesson planning, and assessment. MIT students will be encouraged to incorporate anti-racist and equity-based approaches to their work, in preparation for their full-time internship.

Field-based Education: During this second phase, MIT students will have a weekly field day and additional full weeks in their internship placement. The regular field day provides an opportunity to begin actively preparing for the full-time internship and to begin co-planning and co-teaching with their mentor teacher.

Elementary Secondary
TEED 5120 Elementary Unit Planning & Social Studies Teaching Methods (4 cr) TEED 5132 Secondary Unit Planning & Assessment II (3 cr)
TEED 5123 Elementary Math Teaching Methods (4 cr) TEED 5133 Secondary Methods for Teaching Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Students (3 cr)
TEED 5124 Elementary Science Teaching Methods (3 cr) TEED 5134 Language and Literacy Methods Across the Secondary Content Areas (3 cr)
TEED 5125 Elementary Methods for Teaching Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Students (3 cr) TEED 5135 Secondary Methods for Building Inclusive Classrooms (3 cr)
TEED 5126 Elementary Methods for Building Inclusive Classrooms (3 cr) TEED 5136 Secondary Thriving Teaching & Learning Communities II (1 cr)
TEED 5128 Elementary PE & Art Methods (1 cr) TEED 5137 Subject-based Teaching Methods II (3 cr)

Phase 3 - Internship

Coursework & Field-based Education: During the final field-based learning phase, MIT students are in the classroom full time for twelve weeks and gradually assume full-time teaching responsibilities. The mentor teacher and university field coach formally observe teacher interns to give ongoing, formative feedback to MIT students. Students are expected to successfully meet the demands of the classroom and the competencies required by the program and for certification by the State of Washington. The internship seminar will provide students with structured time to reflect on learning during the internship and make connections back to MIT coursework.

Elementary Secondary
TEED 5140 Elementary Internship (13 cr) TEED 5142 Secondary Internship (16 cr)
TEED 5141 Elementary Internship Seminar (1 cr) TEED 5143 Secondary Internship Seminar (1 cr)

Phase 4 - Critical Reflection

Coursework: At the end of the program, the final coursework will guide MIT students through a reflective process to evaluate how they have met each of the program competency strands. Additionally, MIT students will begin to synthesize what they have learned to prepare for the start of their career as a teacher by completing the Teaching for Equity Project. The Teaching for Equity Project is an equity- and student-centered rigorous culminating assessment grounded in social justice principles and designed to reflect the complexities of the shifting field of education. The assessment includes an e-portfolio, a public showcase, and a final conference with a faculty member.

Field-based Education: There is no field component during this final phase of the program.

Elementary Secondary
TEED 5150 Critical Reflection for Social Justice: Teaching for Equity (3 cr) TEED 5150 Critical Reflection for Social Justice: Teaching for Equity (3 cr)

Field-Based Learning Overview

Approximately 50% of the MIT program is field-based learning. Field experiences in the program are designed to mirror the K-12 teaching experience. As students progress through the program, their field weeks will provide opportunities to become oriented to the current context of schools, make connections between theory and practice, develop relationships with students and school community members, and practice planning and facilitating student-centered instruction. Students begin and complete the program with a single internship placement where they will work closely with a strong mentor teacher to provide ongoing support and guidance, allowing for a rich and cohesive field-based learning experience.  

Upon accepting the offer of admission to the MIT program, students will share their internship preferences with the program and the Field-based Education Team will work closely with our K-12 school partners in the Seattle region to identify an internship mentor teacher. While internship preferences are considered during the placement process, internship placements are ultimately determined based on the needs and availability of the schools and mentor teachers in our partners districts. Students can expect their internship placement to be in a district within a 30-mile radius of Seattle and commute anywhere between 30-60 minutes, regardless of their transportation mode.   

  • Fall Quarter
    • September and October: One full field week each month
    • November and December:
      • One regular field day each week
      • One full field week each month
  • Winter Quarter
    • One regular field day each week
    • One full field week each month
  • Spring Quarter
    • Full-time internship (beginning mid-March for 13 weeks)
    • Gradual release to take over full responsibilities during internship

Get in Touch

If you have any questions about the program or application, we’re here to help!

Ashley Miller

Senior Admissions Counselor

Ashley Miller Headshot