Education Abroad Academic Advising

We are dedicated to facilitating early and thorough planning concerning academic pursuits abroad and degree progression for Albers students. Throughout this planning process, Education Abroad Advisors guide you in establishing academic objectives and exploring how studying abroad can help achieve these goals.

Man jumping on a mountain-top in front of mountain range

Resources for Albers School of Business and Economics

Seattle University offers a diverse range of SU-Sponsored, SU-Exchange, and Faculty-Led programs around the world. This guide outlines recommended courses for consideration during international study. As students take an active role in their academic journey, we offer comprehensive resources for academic planning and encourage collaboration with their Academic Advisors to explore and select the most suitable options for their abroad experience. Explore the full list of programs: Explore Programs!

Education Abroad & Academic Advising

An important supporter of the student experience abroad is the academic advisor. During the Exploration phase, students should discuss their desire to study abroad with their advisor to determine the best term for their experience, identify courses to complete abroad, and plan their remaining academic coursework to ensure timely degree completion. Additionally, students can review Seattle University's program requirements to identify which upper-level major courses they need to complete at the university.

When identifying courses to complete abroad, the EAO Historic Course Equivalency Search, can provide insight into courses that other students have previously taken. Although this list is not exhaustive, it can help students estimate the likelihood of similar courses being offered in the future.

Seattle University students typically go abroad Fall Semester/Fall Quarter, and depending on student's majors, Albers Undergraduate Students go abroad during:

  • 2nd Year
  • 3rd Year
  • 4th Year
  • Summers

Students need to meet with their academic advisor to discuss their individualized academic degree plan to determine the best term to go abroad.

Typically, Albers Graduate Students go abroad during:

  • Summers

Suggested Undergraduate Courses To Take Abroad

Typically, students will do a combination of University Core, Albers Foundational courses, Major, Minor, and/or General Electives. Long-term programs course load ranges from 3-5 courses, depending on the program. Planning early can allow students to save courses to allocate for the abroad experience while still being on track to completing degree requirements in a timely manner.

Seattle University’s Core Curriculum was constructed with study abroad in mind. Module III of the Core is called “Engaging the World.” View the  Guide to fulfilling UCOR requirements with Education Abroad Courses for more information on subjects that fall into the different UCOR Module III course umbrella. 

  • UCOR 3100 - Religion in a Global Context
  • UCOR 3400 - Humanities and Global Challenges
  • UCOR 3800 - Natural Sciences and Global Challenges

In the past, Albers students have been able to take the following courses abroad, this is not a comprehensive list offered for all programs and is subject to change. You will still have to meet with your Academic Advisor to go over your specific academic plan. 

  • ACCT 2300 - Principles of Accounting I (Financial)
  • ACCT 2310 - Principles of Accounting II (Managerial)
  • ECON 2110 - Principles of Economics - Micro
  • ECON 2130 - Principles of Economics - Macro
  • IS 3150 - Introduction to Information Systems
  • FINC 3400 - Business Finance
  • MKTG 3500 - Introduction to Marketing
  • OPER 3600 - Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • BLAW 3700 - Business and International Law
  • MGMT 3000 - Principles of Management
  • GBUS 3500 - Global Environments of Business
  • ECON 3130 - Global and Domestic Macroeconomics

MGMT 4890 - Strategic Management must be taken as Seattle University. 

Albers students are only allowed to take two of their major requirement/electives abroad. 

  • 2 Major Courses

Typically, students will do a combination of UCOR, Albers' Foundation Courses and/or Major/Minor electives. Below is a list of majors that might find it easier or more challenging to find their major courses abroad. 

Readily Available Challenging
Business Economics Accounting
Economics Business Analytics
Finance Business & Law

Students minoring in an Albers Minor have been able to take minor electives abroad.

  • Minor Elective Courses

Typically, students will do a combination of UCOR, Albers' Foundation Courses and/or Major/Minor electives. Below is a list of Minor that might find it easier or more challenging to find their major courses abroad. 

Readily Available Challenging
Economics Accounting
Entrepreneurship & Innovation  
Global Business  

Confirm with your academic advisor about how many general elective/credits you have and can save for abroad. Any course that doesn't satisfy a specific requirement can count as a general elective, including cuisine, physical (dance, surf, etc.) courses.

  • General Elective

TIP: Plan Early!

To ensure a smooth study abroad experience, plan ahead. Most programs have one application deadline the year before your intended term. Discuss your interest with your Academic Advisor early to find the best term for your academic plan

Highlighted Programs

Consult the program's website for up-to-date course listings. All SU-Sponsored, SU-Exchange, and Non-SU courses taken abroad must be approved by Seattle University Academic Departments prior to going abroad. Contact Education Abroad Office for more information about costs and application steps.

Three women overlooking the River Danube in Hungary

Study in Budapest

A SU-Sponsored Program in the heart of Europe. Expand your international experience by courses with local Hungarian and other international students at Corvinus University of Budapest.

People in a boat on Lake Atitlan

Guatemala Abroad 2024

A Faculty-Led Program in Guatemala will provide real experiences with the Guatemalan people and businesses – both micro and MNCs.

Major/Minor Specific Recommendations

Highlighted Program (Only as an example and not guaranteed)

On SU-Sponsored CEA CAPA Study in Budapest, Hungary at Corvinus University of Budapest, students could take UCOR 3400, Accounting elective (Managerial Accounting), Alber's Foundational Course, and/or General Elective.



Suggested Terms Aboard (Seattle University students usually go abroad Fall Semester/Quarter)

Accounting students typically go abroad during:

  • 2nd Year
  • 3rd Year
  • 4th Year
  • Summer

Suggested Courses To Take Abroad (subject to term and courses changes by program/university)

  • Major:
    • UCOR IIIs
    • Albers' Foundational Courses
    • Major Electives (only 2)
    • General Electives
  • Minor:
    • UCOR IIIs (Credits from UCOR courses may simultaneously fulfill Core and minor requirements)
    • Accounting Electives

In the past, students in this major have been able to take the following courses abroad, this is not a comprehensive list of courses taken abroad and is subject to change. You will still have to meet with your Academic Advisor to go over your specific academic plan. 

Albers students are only allowed to take two of their major requirement/electives abroad. 

  • Accounting Electives (examples of courses previously approved)
    • ACCT 2310 - Principles of Accounting II (Managerial)
    • Accounting Electives - as approved by Departmental Approver


Highlighted Program (Only as an example and not guaranteed)

On SU-Exchange at Australian Catholic University Exchange in Sydney, Melbourne, or Brisbane, Australia, students can take UCOR 3100, UCOR 3400, UCOR 3800, Albers Foundational Courses, and/or General Electives (International Trade Law, Business Organisations, Alternative Dispute Resolution, etc.).


Suggested Terms Aboard (Seattle University students usually go abroad Fall Semester/Quarter)

Business & Law students typically go abroad during:

  • 2nd Year
  • 3rd Year
  • Summer

Suggested Courses To Take Abroad (subject to term and courses changes by program/university)

Business & Law students have less flexibility in their academic degree, so focusing on the following courses is recommended:

  • Albers' Foundational Courses
  • General Electives

In the past, students in this major have been able to take the following courses abroad, this is not a comprehensive list of courses taken abroad and is subject to change. You will still have to meet with your Academic Advisor to go over your specific academic plan. 

Business & Law Majors may find it difficult to find major specific courses abroad but depending on credits transferred in prior, there may be space in the student's academic plan to take courses relevant to their academic/career goals, counting towards their general electives.

Highlighted Program (Only as an example and not guaranteed)

On SU-Exchange at American College of Greece in Athens, Greece, students can take UCOR 3100, UCOR 3400, UCOR 3800, Albers Foundational Courses, and/or General Electives (Information Systems for Decision Making, Data Management & IT for business, Electronic Commerce, etc.).


Suggested Terms Aboard (Seattle University students usually go abroad Fall Semester/Quarter)

Business Analytics students typically go abroad during:

  • 2nd Year
  • 3rd Year - Fall Semester
  • Summer

Suggested Courses To Take Abroad (subject to term and courses changes by program/university)

Business Analytics students have less flexibility in their academic degree, so focusing on the following courses is recommended:

  • Albers' Foundational Courses
  • General Electives

In the past, students in this major have been able to take the following courses abroad, this is not a comprehensive list of courses taken abroad and is subject to change. You will still have to meet with your Academic Advisor to go over your specific academic plan. 

Business Analytics Majors may find it difficult to find major specific courses abroad but depending on credits transferred in prior, there may be space in the student's academic plan to take courses relevant to their academic/career goals, counting towards their general electives.

Highlighted Program (Only as an example and not guaranteed)

On SU-Sponsored program IES Business & Economics of Italian Food & Wine in Siena, Italy, students can take UCOR 3100, UCOR 3600, Business Economics Electives (The Economics of Social & Environmental Sustainability: Food & Wine Sectors in the New Globalization, Economic Policy in the EU and its Impact on Global Food Markets, Managing Small Business Enterprises with a Farm-to-Table Focus, etc.).

Suggested Terms Aboard (Seattle University students usually go abroad Fall Semester/Quarter)

Business Economics students typically go abroad during:

  • 2nd Year
  • 3rd Year
  • 4th Year
  • Summer

Suggested Courses To Take Abroad (subject to term and courses changes by program/university)

  • Albers' Foundational Courses
  • Economics Electives
  • General Electives

In the past, students in this major have been able to take the following courses abroad, this is not a comprehensive list of courses taken abroad and is subject to change. You will still have to meet with your Academic Advisor to go over your specific academic plan. 

Albers students are only allowed to take two of their major requirement/electives abroad. 

  • Economics Electives (examples of courses previously approved)
    • ECON 2110 - Principles of Economics - Micro
    • ECON 2130 - Principles of Economics - Macro
    • ECON 3130 - Global and Domestic Macroeconomics
    • ECON 3620 - Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
    • ECON 3620 - Health Economics
    • ECON 3710 - International Political Economy
    • ECON 3750 - Microeconomics of Development
    • ECON 4110 - Applied Econometrics
    • ECON 4720 - International Economics
    • Economics Electives - as approved by Economic Departmental Approvers

Highlighted Program (Only as an example and not guaranteed)

On SU-Sponsored SIT's Development & Social Change in Yaoundé, Cameroon, students would be able to take Development Studies (ECON Elective), Modernization & Social Change (ECON Elective), French, Research Methods and Ethics, and develop an Independent Study Project within their own interest (Microfinance and Women's Empowerment, Impact of Gendered Microfinance on Domestic Violence, etc.)

Suggested Terms Aboard (Seattle University students usually go abroad Fall Semester/Quarter)

Economics students typically go abroad during:

  • 2nd Year
  • 3rd Year
  • 4th Year
  • Summer

Suggested Courses To Take Abroad (subject to term and courses changes by program/university)

  • Major:
    • UCOR IIIs
    • Economics Electives
    • General Electives
  • Minor:
    • UCOR IIIs (Credits from UCOR courses may simultaneously fulfill Core and minor requirements)
    • Economics Electives (= UCOR 3600)

In the past, students in this major have been able to take the following courses abroad, this is not a comprehensive list of courses taken abroad and is subject to change. You will still have to meet with your Academic Advisor to go over your specific academic plan. 

Albers students are only allowed to take two of their major requirement/electives abroad. 

  • Economics Electives (examples of courses previously approved)
    • ECON 2110 - Principles of Economics - Micro
    • ECON 2130 - Principles of Economics - Macro
    • ECON 3130 - Global and Domestic Macroeconomics
    • ECON 3620 - Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
    • ECON 3620 - Health Economics
    • ECON 3710 - International Political Economy
    • ECON 3750 - Microeconomics of Development
    • ECON 4110 - Applied Econometrics
    • ECON 4720 - International Economics
    • Economics Electives - as approved by Departmental Approvers

Highlighted Program (Only as an example and not guaranteed)

On SU-Sponsored SIT's Culture, Social Change, and Development in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, students are able to take Ethnicity, Gender, and Social Change, Economic Reform and Development, Vietnamese/Mandarin, Research Methods and Ethics, and participate in an four-week internship with a local business/NGO or develop an Independent Study Project within their own interest (Entrepreneurship and Business Development in Vietnam, etc.)

Suggested Terms Aboard (Seattle University students usually go abroad Fall Semester/Quarter)

Depending on the student's Major, Entrepreneurship & Innovation minor students typically go abroad during:

  • 2nd Year
  • 3rd Year
  • Summer

Suggested Courses To Take Abroad (subject to term and courses changes by program/university)

  • UCOR IIIs (Credits from UCOR courses may simultaneously fulfill Core and minor requirements)
  • Albers' Courses (= UCOR 3600)
  • General Electives

In the past, students in this major have been able to take the following courses abroad, this is not a comprehensive list of courses taken abroad and is subject to change. You will still have to meet with your Academic Advisor to go over your specific academic plan.

  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation Electives (examples of courses previously approved)
    • FINC 3400 - Business Finance
    • MKTG 3500 - Introduction to Marketing
    • MGMT 3790 - Entrepreneurship Essentials
    • MGMT 3910/4910 = Management Elective - 3000/4000 Level
    • OPER 3600 - Operations and Supply Chain Management

Highlighted Program (Only as an example and not guaranteed)

view of city street with a streetcar coming and bicyclist riding awayOn SU-Sponsored CEA CAPA's Study in Amsterdam - Business & Economics in Amsterdam Track at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, students can take UCOR 3100, UCOR 3600, UCOR 3800, Albers Foundational Courses, Finance Electives, and/or General Elective.


Suggested Terms Aboard (Seattle University students usually go abroad Fall Semester/Quarter)

Finance students typically go abroad during:

  • 2nd Year
  • 3rd Year
  • 4th Year
  • Summer

Suggested Courses To Take Abroad (subject to term and courses changes by program/university)

  • Major:
    • UCOR IIIs
    • Albers' Foundational Courses
    • Finance Electives
    • General Electives
  • Minor:
    • UCOR IIIs (Credits from UCOR courses may simultaneously fulfill Core and minor requirements)
    • Albers' Foundational Courses (= UCOR 3600)
    • Finance Electives 

In the past, students in this major have been able to take the following courses abroad, this is not a comprehensive list of courses taken abroad and is subject to change. You will still have to meet with your Academic Advisor to go over your specific academic plan. 

Albers students are only allowed to take two of their major requirement/electives abroad. 

  • Finance Electives (examples of courses previously approved)
    • FINC 3400 - Business Finance
    • FINC 3420 - Intermediate Corporate Finance
    • FINC 3430 - Financial Institutions and Markets
    • FINC 3440 - Investments
    • FINC 4450 - Financial Risk Management
    • FINC 4460 - International Corporate and Trade Finance
    • FINC 4480 - Capital Budgeting
    • FINC 4510 - Investment Practicum
    • FINC 4790 - Entrepreneurial Finance 
    • FINC Electives - as approved by Departmental Approvers

Highlighted Program (Only as an example and not guaranteed)

On SU-Sponsored MSID's International Develop in Ecuador in Quito, students would be able to take Spanish Language, Historical & Political Context of Ecuador, Global Identity, International Development: Social Entrepreneurship & Microfinance, Internship (for example: Work with a community-based small business that works towards the development of tourism in the indigenous communities of Cotacachi).

Suggested Terms Aboard (Seattle University students usually go abroad Fall Semester/Quarter)

Depending on the student's Major, Global Business on minor students typically go abroad during:

  • 2nd Year
  • 3rd Year
  • Summer

Suggested Courses To Take Abroad (subject to term and courses changes by program/university)

  • UCOR IIIs (Credits from UCOR courses may simultaneously fulfill Core and minor requirements)
  • Albers' Foundational Courses (= UCOR 3600)
  • Supplemental Activities
    • Language studies
    • Internship
    • Education abroad experience

In the past, students in this major have been able to take the following courses abroad, this is not a comprehensive list of courses taken abroad and is subject to change. You will still have to meet with your Academic Advisor to go over your specific academic plan.

  • Global Business Electives (examples of courses previously approved)
    • Language Courses
    • 3-5 Credit Internship
    • Education abroad experience

Highlighted Program (Only as an example and not guaranteed)

On SU-Sponsored Program ISA's Spanish Language, Business and Culture in English & Spanish in Vina Del Mar at Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez in Chile, students could take UCOR 3400, Albers' Foundational Courses, Business Administration Courses (Marketing Trends and Strategies in Latin American, Starting Up in Latin America, Sustainable Business in Latin America), and/or General Electives (Spanish language). 

Suggested Terms Aboard (Seattle University students usually go abroad Fall Semester/Quarter)

Individualized Major in Business Administration students typically go abroad during:

  • 2nd Year
  • 3rd Year
  • 4th Year
  • Summer

Suggested Courses To Take Abroad (subject to term and courses changes by program/university)

  • Major:
    • UCOR IIIs
    • Albers' Foundational Courses
    • Albers' Major Electives (only 2)
    • General Electives
  • Minor in Business Administration:
    • UCOR IIIs (Credits from UCOR courses may simultaneously fulfill Core and minor requirements)
    • Albers' Minor Electives (= UCOR 3600)

In the past, students in this major have been able to take the following courses abroad, this is not a comprehensive list of courses taken abroad and is subject to change. You will still have to meet with your Academic Advisor to go over your specific academic plan. 

Albers students are only allowed to take two of their major requirement/electives abroad. 

  • Individualized Major Electives -
    • Accounting Courses - as approved by Departmental Approver
    • Business Administration Courses - as approved by Departmental Approver
    • Economics Courses - as approved by Departmental Approver
    • Finance Courses - as approved by Departmental Approver
    • Global Business Courses - as approved by Departmental Approver
    • Entrepreneurship and Innovation Courses - as approved by Departmental Approver
    • Management Courses - as approved by Departmental Approver
    • Marketing Courses - as approved by Departmental Approver

Highlighted Program (Only as an example and not guaranteed)

On SU-Exchange at Australian Catholic University Exchange in Sydney, Melbourne, or Brisbane, Australia, students can choose a location and take UCOR 3100, UCOR 3400, UCOR 3800, Alber's Foundational Course, Management (Global Comparative Management, Organizational Change Sustainability) and/or General Elective.


Suggested Terms Aboard (Seattle University students usually go abroad Fall Semester/Quarter)

Management students typically go abroad during:

  • 2nd Year
  • 3rd Year
  • 4th Year
  • Summer

Suggested Courses To Take Abroad (subject to term and courses changes by program/university)

  • Major:
    • UCOR IIIs
    • Albers' Foundational Courses
    • Management Electives
    • General Electives
  • Minor: 
    • UCOR IIIs (Credits from UCOR courses may simultaneously fulfill Core and minor requirements)
    • Management Electives (= UCOR 3600)

In the past, students in this major have been able to take the following courses abroad, this is not a comprehensive list of courses taken abroad and is subject to change. You will still have to meet with your Academic Advisor to go over your specific academic plan. 

Albers students are only allowed to take two of their major requirement/electives abroad. 

  • Management Electives (examples of courses previously approved)
    • MGMT 3000 - Principles of Management
    • MGMT 3790 - Entrepreneurship Essentials
    • MGMT 3820 - Organizational Behavior
    • MGMT 3830 - Human Resource Management
    • Management Electives - as approved by Departmental Approvers

Highlighted Program (Only as an example and not guaranteed)

On SU-Sponsored program ISA International Business & Economics at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, students can take UCOR 3400, Albers' Foundational Courses, Marketing Electives (New Media and Trends in ICT, Marketing in Central and Eastern Europe, Product Brand Marketing, etc.), and/or General Electives (Czech language). 


Suggested Terms Aboard

Marketing students typically go abroad during:

  • 2nd Year
  • 3rd Year
  • 4th Year
  • Summer

Suggested Courses To Take Abroad (subject to term and courses changes by program/university)

  • Major:
    • UCOR IIIs
    • Albers' Foundational Courses
    • Marketing Electives
    • General Electives
  • Minor: 
    • UCOR IIIs (Credits from UCOR courses may simultaneously fulfill Core and minor requirements)
    • Marketing Electives (= UCOR 3600)

In the past, students in this major have been able to take the following courses abroad, this is not a comprehensive list of courses taken abroad and is subject to change. You will still have to meet with your Academic Advisor to go over your specific academic plan. 

Albers students are only allowed to take two of their major requirement/electives abroad. 

  • Marketing Electives (examples of courses previously approved)
    • MKTG 3500 - Introduction to Marketing
    • MKTG 3510 - Buyer Behavior
    • MKTG 3520 - Marketing Communications
    • MKTG 4510 - Marketing Research
    • MKTG 4560 - International Marketing
    • Marketing Electives - as approved by Departmental Approver

Highlighted Program (Only as an example and not guaranteed)

On SU-Sponsored program ISA's Business, French Language & Electives at the American Business School Paris, France, students can take UCOR IIIs, Major Electives, Minor Electives and/or General Electives (Sports Branding in the Olympic Games, Sponsorship and Event Marketing).


Suggested Terms Aboard (Seattle University students usually go abroad Fall Semester/Quarter)

Depending on the student's Major, Personal Branding in Sport & Entertainment on minor students typically go abroad during:

  • 2nd Year
  • 3rd Year
  • Summer

Suggested Courses To Take Abroad (subject to term and courses changes by program/university)

  • UCOR IIIs (Credits from UCOR courses may simultaneously fulfill Core and minor requirements)
  • Major/Minor Electives


In the past, students in this major have been able to take the following courses abroad, this is not a comprehensive list of courses taken abroad and is subject to change. You will still have to meet with your Academic Advisor to go over your specific academic plan.

Students minoring in Personal Branding in Sport & Entertainment may find it difficult to find minor specific courses abroad, there may be space in the student's academic plan to take courses relevant to their academic/career goals, counting towards their general electives and major. 

Have Questions?

Dario advises Albers School of Business and Economics Students

Dario Ogaz

Senior Specialist

Smiling man