Quantitative Reasoning

Courses in quantitative reasoning appropriate to students’ major field. Essential goals include developing basic or more advanced quantitative reasoning skills (including the ability to manipulate expressions), evaluating probabilities, creating and interpreting graphs, using mathematics to solve problems, and making arguments with numbers.

The UCOR 1200 requirement may also be fulfilled by MATH 1010 or above courses of 5 credits.

Sample Sections

Mathematical Reasoning and its Applications

Faculty: Leanne Robertson and David Neel

An introduction to mathematical ideas used in the modern world, with an emphasis on quantitative methods applied to life experiences and on developing problem-solving and critical thinking skills.  Topics include graphing, exponential growth, financial mathematics, probability, and statistics.  Additional topics may include voting theory, graph theory, Fibonacci numbers, geometry, or other mathematical concepts and applications.

Quantitative Literacy and Social Justice

Faculty: Allison Henrich

This course will allow students to gain mathematical skills useful for citizenship.  Topics covered include voting theory, financial math, probability and statistics.  In addition, students will learn why quantitative literacy is important for everyone in our society and explore barriers to achieving this type of literacy. 

Statistical Thinking: Concepts and Applications

Faculty: McLean Sloughter and Leanne Robertson

An introduction to statistical ideas, with an emphasis on applications to real-world issues and on developing students' critical and quantitative reasoning skills.  Topics include experimental design, graphical and numerical data summaries, correlation and regression, probability, and chance error.