A Holiday Message from President Eduardo Peñalver

Read a message from President Eduardo Peñalver as he reflects on what it means to celebrate Christmas, and other celebrations, at Seattle University.

Eduardo sitting in front of St. Ignatius

Christmas is a celebration of light in the midst of darkness.  As the Gospel of John puts it, Christ is “the light [that] shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

At Seattle University, the celebration of light has a special meaning.  We associate the light with knowledge and wisdom; a light that overcomes the darkness of ignorance and intolerance.  Wisdom is the light that never goes out, the light we aim to instill in our students. 

This season of light amidst the darkness is one that we can all embrace, regardless of our faith tradition.  Many cultures and religions have a celebration like it, whether it be the Hannukah Menorah or the diyas that Hindus light for Diwali.  The yearning for light in the midst of the darkness of winter, the universal thirst for the light of knowledge and wisdom that overcomes the darkness of ignorance – these are things that bring us all together as human beings. 

When we celebrate this season, we are celebrating something essential in the human experience.  Even in this world of electric light and constant connectivity – we find ourselves still disciplined by the Earth’s inexorable cycles of light and dark.

I am delighted to be sharing this magical season with the Seattle University community during my first year as president.  I wish you and your families a very happy Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

Seattle University Alumni Association

December 2, 2021