Alumni Board of Governors Excited to Welcome Eleven New Members

Seattle University’s Alumni Board of Governors is pleased to announce the addition of eleven new members.

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After a thorough and thoughtful process, Seattle University’s Alumni Board of Governors (ABOG) is pleased to announce the addition of eleven new members.

“There’s a high level of energy and enthusiasm among our incoming board members,” said Megan Lemieux Bell, ’95, ABOG President. "They bring a wealth of valuable skills, perspectives and voices to the table – both individually and collectively.”

The Alumni Board of Governors is a working board of Seattle University alumni who provide governance, representation and support for the programs and initiatives of the Seattle University Alumni Association (SUAA). Its overarching goal is to offer meaningful ways for alumni to stay engaged and connected with SU.

Ellen Whitlock Baker, Assistant Vice President of Alumni Engagement, said, “We held an all-call for applications this year, as opposed to a nominating process in the past. We wanted to reach any alum willing to raise their hands to join the board, and hoped to do so in the most equitable way possible.”

The board received a record number of applications for open ABOG seats from alumni from many different graduating years, degrees, majors and lines of work. The process was managed by the ABOG Recruitment Committee, made up of Lemieux Bell, Whitlock Baker; current and former ABOG members Megan Cycyota, ’07, Amber Larkin, ’19, Karen Lynn Maher, ’00, Doris Martinez, ’09, ’11, and DJ Weidner ’07, as well as SUAA Operations Coordinator Camaron Farrington.

Lemieux Bell and the ABOG executive committee have identified three areas of priority for the coming year: “We’ll be focusing our efforts on partnership and professional development, alumni outreach and serving as a hub for our incredible alumni community. I look forward to serving as ABOG president and collaborating with this amazing team to tackle common goals and new initiatives,” said Lemieux Bell.

The incoming Alumni Board of Governors members are:

  • Trina Blas, ’00, Albers School of Business and Economics (BA, Marketing)
  • Tom Hove, ’17, College of Arts & Sciences (BA, Social Work) 
  • Arunkumar Jhaveri, ’02, Albers School of Business and Economics  (Certificate of Executive Leadership); ’06, College of Education (EdD, PhD in Educational Leadership) 
  • Kahlia Keita, ’08, College of Arts & Sciences (BA, English) 
  • Kristin Kuzmanich, ’06, College of Arts & Sciences (BA, English); ’07, College of Education (MIT)
  • Jose Armando Munguia, ’21, College of Arts & Sciences (MPA)
  • Laura Ochoa, ’13, College of Arts & Sciences (MPA)
  • Juliana Balinbin Stachurski, ’00, College of Arts & Sciences (BA, History and Philosophy)
  • Shannon Sweeny, ’94, College of Science & Engineering (Biology); ’99, College of Education (MIT)
  • Sherry Williams, ’09, College of Arts & Sciences (MPA)
  • Lola Zakharova, ’12, School of Law (JD)

Click here to see the full ABOG roster.

Seattle University Alumni Association

September 19, 2022