Alumni Share Memories, Gratitude & Well Wishes for Fr. Steve

As Seattle University prepares to say goodbye later this month to President Stephen Sundborg, S.J., we invited members of the Alumni Board of Governors to share their gratitude for his leadership, we

A collage of photos of Father Steve with students and during events, smiling and engaging with the community

As Seattle University prepares to say goodbye later this month to President Stephen Sundborg, S.J., we invited members of the Alumni Board of Governors to share their gratitude for his leadership, well wishes for the next chapter of his life and reflections on their fondest memories of him. Though every response was unique, common threads emerged around—no surprise to those who knew him—Fr. Steve’s authenticity and warmth, his commitment to our mission, and the constant inspiration offered by his vision, wisdom and values.

In my role as a student and an alumnus, I have always felt supported and seen by Fr. Steve. I'll never forget his powerful speech about if the world were 100 people, how only 1 person would have a college degree. He always had a way to remind us to be grateful and also proud of our accomplishments. I will miss him, and I’d like to send him off with great appreciation for his service and impact on an entire generation of Seattle University community members.  SHASTI CONRAD, ’08

It has been a privilege to get to know Fr. Steve through my reengagement with Seattle U after so many years of living away from the Pacific Northwest. I am thankful for his leadership and vision, and for introducing me to the poetry of Mary Oliver: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”  MARY GORJANCE, ’80 

Thank you, Fr. Steve, for your devotion to Seattle U and for helping our family bring about a more conscious, just and humane world.  KAREN LYNN MAHER, ’00

I’d like to offer Fr. Steve an excerpt from John O’ Donohue’s blessing, “For Retirement”: “Now is the time to enjoy your heart's desire / To live the dreams you waited for / To awaken the depths beyond your work / And enter into your infinite source.” – MEGAN LEMIEUX BELL, ’95

During his 24-year presidency, Fr. Steve:

  • penned Seattle University’s mission
  • helped establish the Fostering Scholars program
  • led development of the Center for Community Engagement and the Seattle University Youth Initiative
  • significantly grew enrollment, improved Seattle U’s rankings and brought us back to Division I athletics
  • transformed campus by spearheading the fundraising and building of the Student Center, the School of Law, more student housing, the Lee Center for the Arts, the renovated Lemieux Library and McGoldrick Learning Commons, the fitness center and the Jim and Janet Sinegal Center for Science and Innovation.

Fr. Steve defined what it means to be a modern-era Seattle University Redhawk, impacting countless students, alumni, staff and faculty members, parents, community members and friends of the university—and inspiring all of us to build a more just and humane future.

Please join us in saying thank you and wishing him well. Read more, including additional quotes from alumni and a detailed overview of Fr. Steve’s presidency defining programs and initiatives, in the Seattle U Newsroom’s “A Legacy of Leadership” reflection. Or, consider honoring Fr. Steve with a gift to one of his named initiatives, such as the Endowment for Jesuit Teaching & Ministry, listed .

Seattle University Alumni Association

June 10, 2021