Career Conversations

Career Conversations, our popular new professional development offering, provides small group sessions with career coach Paula Fitzgerald Boos covering a range of job search and transition networking

Groups of women talking and holding paper

Career Conversations, our popular new professional development offering, provides small group sessions with career coach Paula Fitzgerald Boos covering a range of job search and transition networking topics. 

This monthls topic is: Effective Actions and Strategies for Networking 
Date: Wednesday, September 18 
Time: 7:30-9 a.m. 
Location Seattle University Advancement and Alumni Building, Room 107 

Mark your calendars now for the remaining Career Conversations sessions! All are held from 7:30-9 a.m. 

  • October 16 - Conducting Effective Informational Interviews 
  • November 20 – Moving Online Connections to In-Person Relationships 
  • December 18 – Signs It’s Time for a Career Change 
  • January 15 - Personal Branding
  • February 19 - Resume Best Practices
  • March 18 - Seeking Mentorship
  • April 15 - Career Transitions: Communicating Transferrable Skills
  • May 20 – Generating Advancement Opportunities
  • June 17 – Navigating your Current Work System 

Seattle University Alumni Association

September 5, 2019