Fr. Steve's Christmas Message 2018

Season’s greetings, alumni! This time of the year always reminds me to reflect on what I am most grateful for and how blessed I am to serve the Seattle University community. I am reminded of the impo

Fr. Steve Hands Crossed

Season’s greetings, alumni!

This time of the year always reminds me to reflect on what I am most grateful for and how blessed I am to serve the Seattle University community. I am reminded of the important role Seattle U plays in the lives of each of our students, alumni, staff, faculty and all the lives they touch. The gifts of the season are often referred to as joy, gratitude and hope, which are also gifts those committed to Seattle University enjoy throughout the year.

It brings me great joy when I see the active role Seattle University takes in our local and global community. Our students mentor and support central district schools as part of the Seattle University Youth Initiative and join our staff and faculty in Professionals Without Borders, traveling to Belize, Nicaragua and Zambia to help with health and infrastructure projects. Our alumni serve in leadership roles shaping local, national and global policies, leading industries and making a positive impact.

Much of what we are able to accomplish as a community and a university is due to our Jesuit roots and values. Over 125 years ago we got our start as Seattle College, led by Jesuits dedicated to educating the whole person and creating leaders for a just and humane world. I am grateful for the Jesuits who came before us to educate our students and the ones who will come after us to continue our mission and inspire a new generation of students to go forth and set the world on fire.

I am grateful for the students and alumni who use that Ignatian-inspired flame to shape their careers, inform their educations and give back to underserved populations.
I am grateful for the staff and faculty who support our students and embrace our Jesuit values to help ensure we educate the whole person and give each student a personalized learning experience.

I have hope that Seattle University will continue to inspire students and alumni for generations to come.

And finally, I hope that you and your family have a Christmas season that is filled with a peace and comfort that allows you to reflect on all the ways you are blessed and for what you are most grateful.

From our community to yours, Merry Christmas.
Stephen V. Sundborg, S.J.
President, Seattle University

Seattle University Alumni Association

December 5, 2018