Providing Increased Access to Education

The Campaign for the Uncommon Good will provide students with access to inspired education, modern and updated programs and the financial freedom to pursue a brighter future. Our scholarships offer th

Students and faculty standing outside of  the Lemieux Library

The Campaign for the Uncommon Good will provide students with access to inspired education, modern and updated programs and the financial freedom to pursue a brighter future. Our scholarships offer the hope of an otherwise unattainable future for more than 83 percent of our students. We must continue to endeavor to support high achieving students, who may never gain a college education due to financial barriers.

We understand that in order to increase the pathways to a Seattle U education, it requires the establishment of an endowment large enough to not only sustain current funding but grow scholarship dollars that will allow promising students access to an education that will help them transform the world.

Read Marika Yaplee’s, ’19, story about how a gap scholarship her sophomore year helped her continue her education at Seattle University.

Learn more about how Angela Flores-Marcus, ‘19, met with professors that helped her identify funding so she would be able to attend her “right fit” school.

Learn more about The Campaign for the Uncommon Good and how you can make a difference for Seattle U students.

The Seattle University Alumni Association

January 9, 2020