Real-time mentorship in Redhawk Landing

Career mentorship can be pivotal and some of the most transformative relationships involve one-to-one interactions. The new Seattle University Redhawk Landing (RHL)

Career mentorship can be pivotal and some of the most transformative relationships involve one-to-one interactions. The new Seattle University Redhawk Landing (RHL) platform helps you build these relationships. Alumni serve as mentors for students and other alumni or find mentors of their own. Redhawk Landing provides opportunities for alumni to connect with alumni in a city or industry of interest, join interest groups or browse career resources and programs.  

With RHL, both mentors and mentees indicate the type of mentoring relationship they are interested in—from a short phone call to a longer-term engagement—and their specific interest areas to advance their professional journey.  

With the Class of 2020 graduating and entering the workforce, it is the perfect time for mentors to help them find a professional pathway and accelerate their career trajectory. Mentees gain professional development, specific advice for their needs and a new perspective.  

"The connections that I've built with fellow SU alumni have been pretty strong. And so, to me this is another way to be able to have that type of connection with people that have had the same type of Jesuit education as I have," said Scott Newton, ‘16.  

Engaging on Redhawk Landing can be as easy as connecting over coffee, answering a few questions over email or video chatting. Alumni mentors choose their commitment level and preferred way to engage. 

In our current economic environment, building community and supporting each other is more important than ever. Register and start making connections with alumni and the class of 2020. 

The Seattle University Alumni Association

June 3, 2020