The Inauguration of Eduardo M. Peñalver

On September 23 and 24, Seattle University celebrated the inauguration of its 22nd president, Eduardo M. Peñalver. Festivities began Thursday with the Inauguration Mass at St. James Cathedral and on F

On September 23 and 24, Seattle University celebrated the inauguration of its 22nd president, Eduardo M. Peñalver. Festivities began Thursday with the Inauguration Mass at St. James Cathedral. The Most Reverand Paul D. Etienne, Archbishop of Seattle, served as the celebrant. Jesuits West Provincial The Reverand Sean O. Carroll, S.J. gave the homily and missioned President Peñalver.

The inauguration ceremony took place Friday morning at Benaroya Hall. With dignitaries from universities across the country in attendance, blessings were offered, musical performances were enjoyed and speeches offered gratitude and advice for our new president. The highlight was Peñalver’s powerful speech setting the direction for Seattle University while exploring the juxtaposition of our university being innovative and progressive as well as Jesuit and Catholic. He used Felix Gonzalez-Torres’ art entitled “Somewhere Better Than This Place/Nowhere Better Than This Place” as his theme to reconcile this tension. Peñalver concluded his speech saying, “I will work tirelessly to ensure that for Seattle University’s second 130 years, there will be nowhere better than this place to imagine somewhere better than this place.”

The has the full text of Peñalver’s speech, a highlight video, full event videos and photos.

Seattle University Alumni Association

October 7, 2021