Transformative Technologies

Introduce your high school student to Seattle U and give them a taste of life as a college student. Seattle University’s Summer Programs is inviting competitive high school juniors and seniors with an

Introduce your high school student to Seattle U and give them a taste of life as a college student. Seattle University’s Summer Programs is inviting competitive high school juniors and seniors with an interest in computer science and technology to apply for Transformative Technologies: Using AI for Social Good. This pre-college immersion is an opportunity to learn about machine learning, data analytics and artificial intelligence and how technology can be used ethically to promote human well-being. Outside of the classroom, students will have the experience of applying what they learn during visits led by their faculty to local technology industry leaders. The program earns students three college credits and provides a unique chance to preview Seattle U life, including living in Seattle University’s campus dorms in the heart of Capitol Hill.

Additionally, students will participate in a Leadership Boot Camp where they will work with a certified education planner on activities designed to promote self-awareness and skills that will support them in the college application/admission process, including personal essay design for the Common App and college interviewing.

And of course, the program would not be complete without the fun, cultural experience of summertime in Seattle!  We will explore Pike Place Market, Capitol Hill, the Space Needle and Seattle Center, the Museum of Pop Culture and more!

For more information and to register, email Eva Lasprogata Sedgwick, Director of Summer Programs.


The Seattle University Alumni Association

April 2, 2019