Volunteer Service and Welcoming Spiritual Community for Mature Adults

Jesuit Volunteer EnCorps (JV EnCorps) is now accepting applications for 2019-20. JV EnCorps, a program of JVC Northwest, provides rewarding opportunities for service, community and spiritual for

Jesuit Volunteer EnCorps (JV EnCorps) is now accepting applications for 2019-20.  JV EnCorps, a program of JVC Northwest, provides rewarding opportunities for service, community and spiritual formation for adults 50 and older who are committed to social and ecological justice. During their ten months of part-time service, participants meet monthly for fellowship, reflection and to explore the values of community, spirituality, simple living and social and ecological justice. “I knew JV EnCorps would challenge my current sense of spirituality, my day to day relationships with every type of person, and how I treat creation. I looking forward to our monthly gathering for the opportunity to reflect, connect and support the greater good,” says JVEnCorps participant Patricia Freeburg, ‘75. 

Our values arise from Ignatian Spirituality and JVEnCorps is an inclusive and ecumenical community. “I have found such a wonderful and like-minded group of people to be with and to share life’s ongoing and ever unfolding faith journey,” says Elizabeth Hansen, ’54, and JVEnCorps member since 2014.

There are JV EnCorps groups now forming in six Northwest cities including Bend, Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma and Vancouver, WA.

Priority application deadline is August 31 with an opening retreat in September.  

For more information email JVEnCorps@jvcnorthwest.org

The Seattle University Alumni Association

July 29, 2019