Welcome to GOLD, Class of 2021!

Congratulations on your graduation, Class of 2021, and welcome to GOLD! My name is John Fulmer and I serve as the president of the Seattle U GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) Council, which is

Image of John Fullmer, GOLD President, smilingCongratulations on your graduation, Class of 2021, and welcome to GOLD! 

My name is John Fulmer and I serve as the president of the Seattle U GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) Council, which is a group of alumni volunteers organized to support your transition from the classroom to the workforce and your next 10 years. We aim to provide you with opportunities to stay connected with alumni and the university through community gatherings, service opportunities and professional development. As you transition into this next chapter of your life, remember that you are now part of the supportive and diverse community that is Seattle U GOLD.

While the last year or so of your college experience was far from traditional, it provided you with unique skills that only those in your position could have. You now have the ability to successfully learn and collaborate in a virtual setting, and you have likely obtained improved time management and prioritization, all of which will suit you well as you transition into the workplace. These next few years of your life after graduation will be filled with challenge, excitement and growth. Wherever you find yourself, you will employ the skills you developed at Seattle U to drive change and create a more just and humane world.

I stayed in the Seattle area and started my professional career at Boeing before quickly returning to Seattle U for a part-time graduate degree. After graduate school, I moved to Amazon, where I am currently working. While I felt lucky to live and work in a community that meant so much to me, I missed the service and engagement opportunities that I loved as a student at Seattle U. This is when I found Seattle U GOLD and got hooked on our incredible alumni community! And I hope you will join us, too. To stay updated on all of our GOLD events and initiatives and to get involved, follow us on the GOLD Facebook and GOLD Instagram pages. We would love to see you engage with us. 

As you finish up your last finals and receive your diploma, I would like to invite you to join our new career and networking platform Redhawk Landing. Redhawk Landing connects alumni with students and other alumni for short- and long-term mentorship. Network within the community or meet alumni in your city or industry. is also hosting a free LinkedIn webinar for the Classes of 2020 and 2021 on June 29. Register now!

On behalf of the entire Seattle U GOLD Council, congratulations on your achievement and welcome to life as a Redhawk alum!





John Fulmer, ’15, ‘18

GOLD Council President

Business Intelligence Engineer, Amazon

Seattle University Alumni Association

June 10, 2021