Asian And Asian American Studies Program

We develop our students’ understanding and awareness of Asia that are critical to leaders and citizens of the 21st century.

About Us

Delve into some of the oldest cultures and civilizations in the world and their modern presence through language and cultural learning. You will gain a special expertise favored by many professions and You will gain a special expertise favored by many professions in today's society. The program aims to prepare you to work for different sectors, as well as for a wide range of graduate studies.

Asian Studies, BA or Minor

Explore one of the most exciting programs on campus and how it will prepare you for the future.

Program Highlights

Photo looking into building with neon in China

International Learning with A Distinct Asian Focus

Many of our students choose to study abroad and popular destinations include China, India, Japan, Korea and Vietnam. They participate either in Seattle University Education Abroad programs or choose their own destinations.

Bicyclists in Tokyo, Japan

Wide Range of Career Options

You will gain a special expertise favored by many graduate programs and professions in today's society. The program aims to prepare you to work for different sectors, as well as for advanced studies. Your major in Asian Studies will prepare you to undertake entry-level professional jobs in the realm of Asian commerce, communication, or social justice work, or continue on to advanced studies of Asian and international studies in a variety of disciplines.

Chin-Hao Huang with Dean David Powers and Professor Yitan Lee with photo of Peter Lee

Connection to Leaders in Scholarship

Demonstrating our commitment to inclusive academic excellence, the Peter L. Lee Endowed Lectureship in East Asian Culture and Civilization brings an internationally recognized scholar to campus for a lecture on a research topic at the forefront of Asian studies.

Yitan Li, PhD

Professor and Chair, Political Science
Director, Asian Studies

  • 206-296-2056
Yitan Li, PhD