Arts and Sciences Faculty News: March 2022

The latest publications, presentations, media interviews, and more

John H. Armstrong, PhD, Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies and two co-authors published an article in the journal Conservation Science and Practice. From an analysis of 202,900 journal articles, they identify a disciplinary divide in how the environmental impacts of urbanization are presented in ecology and urban planning journals. Dr. Armstrong and his co-authors discuss how interdisciplinary collaborations may provide a path to reconcile the different perspectives and boost sustainability.

John C. Bean, PhD, Emeritus Professor, English, recently published the 3rd edition of Engaging Ideas: The Professor’s Guide to Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom (Jossey-Bass, 2021).  For this edition, John invited a younger scholar in writing across the curriculum (Dan Melzer of University of California, Davis) to serve as co-author.  According to ResearchGate, the first two editions of Engaging Ideas have received more 900 citations in the scholarly literature.  According to the director of the campus writing and speaking program at North Carolina State University (Chris Anson), “More than any single text, Engaging Ideas has had a profound and lasting influence on the writing-across-the-curriculum movement in the U.S. and around the world.”

This third edition continues to include many assignment examples from Seattle University faculty.   In the preface to this edition, John explains how his book grew out of Seattle University culture in the late 1980s during the transition to a new Core Curriculum.  John would like to share the following acknowledgement from his preface:

“I offer a special thanks to the Seattle University teaching community during the years 1988–1993, when I wrote the precursor to Engaging Ideas as an in-house book for Seattle University’s new core curriculum using examples from more than forty Seattle U faculty. As a Jesuit institution, Seattle University created a new core curriculum that reflected the Jesuit commitment to inquiry and debate along with a passionate belief that rhetoric, as eloquentia perfecta, should serve the common good. These beliefs, combined with the student-centered ethic of cura personalis (care for the whole person) and mission commitment to social justice, created a teaching environment where faculty could develop and share the pedagogical practices that eventually emerged in Engaging Ideas. That remarkable Seattle U community discovered modern ways to enact the principle of active learning aimed at the growth of persons revealed in St. Ignatius’s 1583 Ratio Studiorum, the originating “plan of studies” for Jesuit education. It took a village to write Engaging Ideas.”

Kathryn L. Bollich-Zeigler, PhD, Assistant Professor, Psychology, presented research titled “When Informants Respond: Target Personality Predictors of Informant Report Response Rates” at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology 2022 Annual Convention.

Caitlin Carlson, PhD, Associate Professor, Communication and Media, spoke about her book, “Hate Speech,” at the Holocaust Museum Houston in February, in correlation with their exhibition, “Speaking Up! Confronting Hate Speech.”

Serena Cosgrove, PhD, Associate Professor, International Studies, and her co-author, Dr. Ana Marina Tzul Tzul, are happy to share the news that their chapter about Latin America (chapter 7) as well as an organizational profile about a Guatemalan NGO fighting gender violence have been published in the Open Access book, Gendered Lives: Global Issues.  Published by the State University of New York (SUNY) Press and endorsed by the American Anthropological Association, this book can be downloaded for free.

Elizabeth Dale, PhD, Associate Professor, Nonprofit Leadership, was interviewed by The Conversation for the discussion, "The 50 biggest US donors gave or pledged nearly $28 billion in 2021 – Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates account for $15 billion of that total." The article appeared in a number of other publications.

Christie Eppler, PhD, LMFT, Program Director and Professor, Couples and Family Therapy, is a recipient of the Institute for Catholic Thought and Culture's 2022-2023 Faculty Research Fellowships. She and Dr. Jeanette Rodriguez will present “The Transparent Leader” at the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy’s Leadership Symposium on March 31.

Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs, PhD, Professor, Modern Languages and Women Gender, and Sexuality Studies, will speak at “A Conversation about DEI and Anti-Racist Teaching,” on April 5 at Syracuse University. Last fall, she participated in GRITO de POESÍA! A Chicanx Celebration of Culture and Life," celebrating the publication of Chicanx & Latinx poets spanning 100 years (1920-2020) with a live reading on Mexican Independence Day. Watch the video here.

Brittany Heintz Walters, PhD, Assistant Professor, Kinesiology, and Erica Rauff, PhD, were awarded a grant from The Dana Foundation for their project, “Modeling the Mind: Using 3D Printing to Understand the Brain and its Responses to Exercise.” Taking place during 2022 Brain Week in March, Heintz Walters and Erica Rauff, PhD, Assistant Professor, Program Director, Graduate Studies have developed a series of innovative activities for high school and university students and the general public that will include 3D printing of brain models, a live interview and podcast and social media campaign. Information about these events will be posted on the Kinesiology Department's social media pages and the public can register to attend the podcast for free here.

Jacqueline Helfgott, PhD, Professor, Criminal Justice and Director, Crime & Justice Research Center, shares a lot of news.


  • Helfgott, J.B. & Wallenborn, J. (2022). History of Forensic Psychology. In Garofolo, C. & Sitsema, J.J.  (Eds.)  Clinical Forensic Psychology: Introductory Perspectives on Offending. Palgrave MacMillan. Co-author Joslyn Wallenborn is a MACJ student employed at the WA State Attorney General’s Office and this is her first publication.
  • Helfgott, J.B., Hickman, M.J., Strah, B.M., Atherley, L.T., Kosson, D.S., & Dorsher, E. (2022). The Relationship between Personality Traits and the Effectiveness of Guardian Law Enforcement Training, Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice.  Co-authored with Dr. Matthew Hickman, Chair, Criminology, Forensics, and Criminology, David Kosson, and three alums of our MACJ program, Loren Atherley, currently in the PhD program at the Institute of Criminology at the University of Cambridge;  Dr. Beck Strah. now a professor of criminology/criminal justice at Roger Williams University; and Emily Dorsher, a Crime Analyst at the Everett, WA Police Department.

Media Interview: King 5 News- February 7, 2022 (Reporter: Natalie Swaby). FBI is working to recruit more diverse applicants.

2022 WSC Conference: Two faculty members, five students, and one alum attend the Western Society of Criminology Conference in Honolulu, HI Feb 2-6. Here are the papers presented

Audrey Hudgins, EdD, Clinical Associate Professor, Matteo Ricci Institute, moderated a panel with the authors of Lives in Containment / Vidas en contención: privación de la libertad y violaciones a derechos humanos en estaciones migratorias de Puebla y Tlaxcala, 2020-2021, a report that reveals the results of on-site monitoring and ongoing academic research conducted by the Migratory Affairs Area of the Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J. Institute of Human Rights in collaboration with the Department of Social Sciences of the Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla (UIP). The panel served as a centerpiece of UIP’s 2022 Semana de Investigación.

Claire LeBeau, PhD, Associate Professor, Psychology, has a co-authored article with Kaleb Sinclair, 2021 MAP graduate now live on Middle Voices. The issue includean MP3 recording an improvsation of the Fire Fable that her mom, Dr. Ann Labounsky recorded and a Memorium to our late Dr. George Kunz who, with Dr. Steen Halling, and Dr. Lane Gerber, started our MAP program 40 years ago. Our 40th Anniversary celebration with alumni will be held May 15 this year.  

Kira Mauseth, PhD, Senior Instructor, Psychology, was interviewed by the Seattle Times for "After 2 years of COVID in Seattle area, do we dare hope for ‘normal’?" In her role of co-lead for the Washington State Department of Health Behavioral Strike Team, she will travel with colleagues to southeastern Poland to provide trauma-informed behavioral health training to hundreds of volunteers. Learn more here.

Sean McDowell, PhD, Associate Professor, English just published three poems—“Perfume Bottles,” “Arts of the Book,” and “Lecture Upon a Pigeon”—in the Spring 2022 issue of The High Window, a quarterly review of poetry published in England. 

In addition, his book Metaphysical Shadows: The Persistence of Donne, Herbert, Vaughan, and Marvell in Contemporary Poetry has just been published by Lexington Books, an academic imprint of The Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Group. To commemorate the centenary of Herbert J. C. Grierson’s landmark edition Metaphysical Lyrics and Poems of the Seventeenth Century: Donne To Butler (1921), Metaphysical Shadows examines the ways in which the poetry of John Donne, George Herbert, Henry Vaughan, and Andrew Marvell continues to speak to working poets today. Modern Anglophone poets, from T. S. Eliot and Archibald MacLeish in the 1920s and 1930s to Seamus Heaney, Maureen Boyle, Alfred Corn, Anne Cluysenaar, Kimberly Johnson, and Jericho Brown in the twenty-first century, have found in the work of John Donne, George Herbert, Henry Vaughan, and Andrew Marvell a strikingly modern intellectualism, an emotional intensity, and a verbal richness that have inspired their own poems. Traces of this inspiration appear in echoes, allusions, direct responses, and similarities in approach and method as poets create new work in their own distinct voices. Such contemporary engagements furnish us with cues for how literary studies might approach the literature of the past without sacrificing it in the name of critique. They also demonstrate the continuing relevance of seventeenth-century English metaphysical poetry in the twenty-first century. The poems of Donne, Herbert, Vaughan, and Marvell still have the power to cast shadows.

Susan Meyers, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of English and Director, Creative Writing Program, co-authored “Whose WPA? Collaborative Transnational Development of Writing Programs,” with her colleague Dr. Lourdes Zambrano Caudillo at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City, and it was  published in Civic Engagement in Global Contexts: International Education, Community Partnerships, and Higher Education. Her creative work has been nominated for both a 2022 Pushcart Prize and an award from the 2022 Best American Science and Nature Writing series.

Christopher Paul, PhD, Professor, Communication, was a guest on the Ethics and Video Games Podcast for "The Problem with Meritocracy in Video Games." It is available on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube.

Erica Rauff, PhD, Assistant Professor, Program Director, Graduate Studies, provides news from the Kinesiology Department, who conducted focus groups with Seattle University coaches to understand their needs and perspectives for using data science in athletics. The results of this study have been published in a journal article titled: "Using Sport Science Data in Collegiate Athletics: Coaches' Perspectives" in the International Journal of Sport Science & Coaching authored by Dr. Rauff, Dr. Sarah Shultz, Dr. Doug Berninger, Sean Machak and graduate student Augustine Herman.

Stephen Rice, PhD, Associate Professor, Criminal Justice, Criminology, and Forensics, and Michael D. Maltz's co-edited volume, Doing Ethnography in Criminology: Discovery through Fieldwork, (Springer, 2018) was reviewed by Ana Ivasiuc (Phillips University Marburg) n the Journal of Extreme Anthropology. Read the review here.

Carmen Rivera, MA, Criminal Justice, Criminology & Forensics, was interviewed for the article, “Appropriate use of force for law enforcement debated,” which appeared in a number of publications.

Jeannette Rodriguez, PhD, Professor: Theology and Religious Studies and Couple and Family Therapy, and Director, Institute for Catholic Thought and Culture, wrote a chapter for the upcoming book "Women Engaging the Catholic Tradition: Solidarity Toward the Common Good" (Paulist Press, June 7, 2022). Dr. Rodriguez’s chapter is titled “Women’s Liberating Praxis of Nonviolent Leadership for Social Justice: An Emerging Contribution to Catholic Social Thought.” The book project is a collaboration between six women scholars, who from their various social locations contribute to the body of Catholic Social Teaching. Former ICTC Director Dr. Catherine Punsalan-Manlimos also contributed to the project, writing the chapter “Memory Matters: Immigration Rhetoric in CST and Public Discourse.”

She and Sharon Callahan, EdD, Professor Emerita, School of Theology and Ministry, have had their article “Gospel Leadership Among Roman Catholic Women” accepted for the Journal of Religious Leadership’s Spring 2022 edition.  In 2002 two Roman Catholic male bishops ordained seven women on the Danube River. Since then over 350 women have been ordained. This article describes the leadership these women offer their faith, local, and institutional communities. Grounded in a deep spirituality, they choose to disobey Church Law and Tradition while remaining culturally Catholic. Outlining the spiritualities these women embody, the article then explores their contribution within the four ministries of Koinonia, Leiturgia, Kerygma, and Diakonia. Quoting the over 40 women priests we interviewed and studied, the article next focusses on their ecumenical and catholic nature. The conclusion highlights their prophetic contribution to the institutional church and the People of God.

Kirsten Moana Thompson, PhD, Professor and Director, Film Studies, was interviewed for “The Historical Epic Film” Hekayat Al Cinema (Tales of Cinema), February 1 2022.

Written by Karen L. Bystrom

Wednesday, March 16, 2022