Seattle University Undergraduate Research Journal

Highlighting the research achievements of Seattle University undergraduate students through a peer-reviewed online publication.

The student staff of the journal in front of red flowering bush

The journal is designed to provide an editorial apprenticeship experience for students through a credit-bearing program that trains students to share stewardship of the journal. Research includes any original quantitative or qualitative work that a student has conducted during their academic studies. This includes theoretical works, policy analyses, research-based editorial pieces, Core writing, and other modes.

Current students: Visit us on Redhawk Hub for submission deadline and details.

SUURJ is a joint project of the College of Arts and Sciences, the English Department, and the Office of the Provost, with additional support from Lemieux Library and the University Core.

Above: SUURJ Volume 7 student editors, from L to R: Tripp Ceyssens, Olivia Moretta, Katrina Manacio, Riley Flanagan, Masami Carpenter, Olivia Merrick, and Nicole Beauvais. Not pictured: Emelia Vonada.

Latest Publication

Letter from the Editors, Volume 7

Welcome to Volume 7 of the Seattle University Undergraduate Research Journal (SUURJ).

As a team, we are immensely grateful to have had the opportunity to grow professionally alongside one another, our faculty advisors, and this year’s talented group of student authors. We feel honored to continue Seattle University’s legacy of publication, giving new
life and a global platform to undergraduate achievements whose merits may otherwise go unacknowledged. From civic science to poetry, this volume highlights a wide range of scholarship. Our authors have created a guide for urban campus native bee conservation, investigated potential alternatives to restrictive education policies in Florida, proposed equitable approaches to mental health crises without the use of police officers, prompted us to reconsider the philosophy of science, and reevaluated the function of stem cells in breast reconstruction.

We have chosen to publish work that engages with themes of sustainability, innovation, accessibility, inclusivity, and reformation in hopes of fostering a more just and humane future. Our thorough deliberations have ensured that each paper in Volume 7 speaks to these values in its own unique way. At a time when social adversity feels insurmountable, this year’s journal is a testament to our collective resilience. We would like to thank each of our authors for facing the future with innovative resolve and you, our reader, for being a part of the conversation.

Many thanks,

The SUURJ Volume 7 Student Editorial Team

Hear From Our Editors and Writers

Wiley Martin

So often will students pour hours of work, time, and effort into their research, whether that be in the lab or the library, only to show it to one or two other people. SUURJ is a platform that celebrates such effort, and publishes it for all to see.

Student Editor, 2017

Chief Faculty Editors