Study Resources

Explore our collection of news, historical information and reference materials.

Africa Resource

Resources and news on Africa. An African educational web portal, including links to electronic journals.

African American Odyssey

Digital archives from the U.S. Library of Congress.

Afrique Francophone

Resources focused on French-speaking Africa.

Afro Cuba Web

Resources on Afro Cuba.

American Slave Narratives

From the American Studies Hypertext Workshop at the University of Virginia.

Adinkra Films

Blog about Black films.

Association for African American Historical Research and Preservation

Locating, collecting, preserving and disseminating historical and genealogical information related to the African American population.

Black Past

This site is dedicated to providing reference materials to the general public on six centuries of African American history.

Black Voices

New and Entertainment.

Ethno Music

Vintage hits from around the African Diaspora.

George Padmore Institute

An archive, educational resource and research center housing materials relating to the black community of Caribbean, African and Asian descent in Britain and continental Europe.

Good African

Trade, not aid, for Africa.

New Beacon Books

Black Culture Books.

Shadow and Act

Media of the African Diaspora, Emphasis on Cinema.

The Latin American Network Information Center Page on the African Diaspora

Links to sources on different countries and regions of the globe.

The Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition

From Yale University's Center for International and Area Studies.

University of Pennsylvania African Studies Center

Includes country pages and multimedia archives.

W.E. DuBois Institute for Afro American Research

Research in African and African American Studies at Harvard University.