Alumni by the Numbers

Facts and stats on Albers alumni, from demographics to top degrees and majors.

Alumni cheering during a homecoming game

Since 1947, the Albers School of Business and Economics has produced outstanding graduates who have become pioneers and leaders in their fields of endeavor. Below are some constantly updated stats and numbers about our alumni.

Albers Alumni Demographics

A yellow graduation cap


Total Number of Alumni

Homecoming buttons saying Ask Me I'm an Alum


Living Alumni

Outline of Washington state in green


Alumni in Washington state

A graduate at undergrad commencement


Undergraduate Alumni

A figure with a briefcase climbing a ladder


Graduate Alumni

Students milling about the atrium of Pigott Building


Certificate Alumni

Degrees Per Decade

A chart showing the number of graduates per decade

Top 10 Majors

A chart showing the top 10 majors in Albers

Top 10 Employers

An infographic showing the top 10 employers of Albers alumni

Top 10 States

Top 10 states for Albers alumni

Albers Alumni Statistics

Albers Alumni Contact

Christie Cotterill

Director of Development

Christie Cotterill headshot