Economics Tutoring Lab

The Economics Tutoring Lab is a free service for students enrolled in economics courses in the Albers School as well as SU students considering an economics or business economics major.

Students studying by a window

Do you want to learn about the student experience navigating an economics degree at Albers?

Do you need help preparing for the Excel Certification Exam?

Do you need help with an Economics assignment, preparing for an exam or quiz, or with understanding class materials?

We have resources for you!

The Economics Department offers tutoring and navigation to support you with your academic needs! Our tutors can help you master difficult concepts covered in your economics and statistics classes, prepare for the Excel Certification exam, and provide guidance if you are considering an economics major, business economics major, or economics minor. We hope to increase student exposure to economics and improve retention by giving students high quality service and support.

Economics Advice and Excel Tutoring Available

Find out if an economics degree is right for you and hear directly from students. We provide space for prospective economic majors and minors to meet with economics tutors to discuss the student experience at Albers. Appointments are held via Zoom.