Albers Graduate Assistantships and Fellowships

Graduate assistantships and fellowships at Albers are opportunities to gain meaningful work experience, build your professional network, and earn compensation or financial support.

A black pole surrounded by leaves.

Graduate Assistantships

Graduate Assistantships are available for students in any of the graduate business programs. Announcements are sent out as positions become available.

Frank Shrontz Graduate Assistantship and Scholarship in Business Ethics

The Frank Shrontz Graduate Assistantship and Scholarship in Business Ethics is designed for a graduate business student who supports the business ethics community through Seattle University's northwest Ethics Network. The student assists faculty with research projects related to social responsibility, sustainability, and positive business cultures, and coordinates the programs of the Center for Business Ethics at Albers.

MBA in Sport and Entertainment Management Graduate Assistantships

These graduate assistantships are only available for fully admitted students of the MBA in Sport and Entertainment Management (MBA SEM) program.

The MBA in Sport and Entertainment Management program coordinates with Seattle University's Athletic Department and SU Recreation to offer a variety of Graduate Assistantship (GA) positions to MBA SEM students.

General qualifications include:

  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Computer skills using various Microsoft applications
  • Degree and career interest in communications, sports management, or a related field
  • Experience working in a collegiate athletic department preferred
  • Experience working with collegiate sports coaching staffs preferred
  • Personal competitive experience or knowledge of sports helpful
  • Must be willing to work evenings and weekends
  • Time commitment of 20 hours per week

Graduate assistantships may begin August 1 (or later depending on the program) and continue through the regular academic year (May to June depending on start date). Graduate assistant positions may pay $1,600 or more per month for the 10-month term. Graduate assistants are responsible for their own tuition payments.

GA positions are offered on a one-year renewable contract. Most MBA SEM GAs complete a full two-year period, the time it takes to complete the degree. About half of these positions become available each year.


While GA positions can be a great way to help pay for your graduate education, these positions are intended for those students who fully intend to work in collegiate athletics or university settings. You will be an integral part of SU’s Athletic Department or SU Recreation. These positions require energy, commitment, and a high level of self-accountability and responsibility.

Genevieve Albers Graduate Fellowship

The Genevieve Albers Graduate Fellowship provides financial assistance to graduate business students in exchange for assisting Albers faculty with their academic research. The fellow will receive a $15,000 tuition scholarship and $7,000 stipend in exchange for working 12.5 hrs/week for the three academic quarters (a total of 350 hours for the academic year).

The purpose of the fellowship is to provide financial assistance to our graduate students while at the same time enhancing faculty scholarship. The fellowship also honors the memory of Genevieve Albers, a long time and generous supporter of the Albers School.


This Fellowship is open to both new/incoming and continuing/current students in a graduate program at Albers taking 6 credits or more per quarter, whether they are domestic or international.

Fellowship Application Deadline

Applications will be due to Jeff Millard, Assistant Dean of Graduate Programs, by 11:59 p.m. on July 15, 2025 for the fellowship to be awarded for the 2025-26 academic year.

How To Apply

  • (NEW STUDENTS ONLY) Complete and submit the Seattle University Graduate Application for Admission. Please plan accordingly, as you must have already received admission and confirmed your acceptance to be eligible to apply for this fellowship. The application will ask for your Seattle University ID. Then complete the Fellowship Application linked below.
  • (ALL APPLICANTS) Complete and submit the Genevieve Albers Fellowship Application by 11:59 p.m., July 15, 2025.

Essay Question

  • Describe your professional experience. [100 words]
  • Discuss an example of a situation when you took initiative and/or demonstrated leadership. [100 words]
  • Explain why you would be an effective research assistant. For example, discuss your quantitative, coding, communication, and/or critical thinking skills as well as any experience serving as a research assistant or conducting independent research. [250 words]

Please Note: If necessary, draft your responses in a Word document and then copy-and-paste them into the text box. No more than 500 words essay.

Selection Process

Fellowship recipients are selected based on a short essay and undergraduate performance (GPA). The Fellowship will be competitive based on the qualifications of the applicant. Information to be considered will be the applicant's:

  • undergraduate academic record
  • GMAT/GRE scores (optional, not required)
  • professional experience
  • technology skills
  • quantitative skills
  • communication skills
  • critical thinking skills
  • ability to work independently and take the initiative

The recipient will be selected by the Albers School Executive Committee (consisting of deans and department chairs). The recipients will be notified in early September.

Contact Jeff Millard at (206) 296-5708 or for more information.

Last Year's Fellowship Information

  • Award Amounts: $15,000 in scholarships with an additional $7,000 for research assistant work.
  • Total Fellowship Applications: 40
  • Total Fellowship Award: 1
  • Applicant Demographics: 60% domestic, 40% international
  • Average Applicant GMAT: 624 (not required)
  • Average Applicant GRE: 309 (not required)
  • Average Applicant Undergraduate GPA: 3.22
  • Average Applicant Albers Graduate GPA: 3.78

Seattle University Fellowships

The Seattle University Office of Prestigious Fellowships and Awards offers eligibility information and practical advice on how to apply for fellowships to university students and recent graduates.