Why Summer Business Programs Help Today’s High School Students Become Tomorrow’s Leaders

Enrolling in a college prep summer program is becoming an increasingly popular way for students to expand their experience

For many high school students, college is something that is always top of mind. Between decisions about which school to attend and which major to study once there, most are proactively thinking ahead and deciding where they see themselves headed into the future. The more informed a student can feel when weighing so many options and approaching all these crossroads, the more confidently they can stride into that future.

Enrolling in a college prep summer program is becoming an increasingly popular way for students to expand their experience, enhance college applications, or simply try out collegiate life.

This kick-start to one’s academic and professional career is particularly applicable when it comes to the demanding and intensive nature of the world of business. With the vast number of exciting opportunities and application of know-how, this competitive space is eager for disruption and innovation from young entrepreneurs who are hungry to learn and do more.

Whether you have this entire roadmap planned out for yourself or you are still struggling to even mentally place yourself in a lecture hall, the advantages of enrolling in a summer business program cannot be overlooked.

What Are The Benefits Of Summer Programs For High School Students?

Navigating through the variables and unknowns of the seemingly endless number of decisions students feel they need to make about their future at once can seem daunting. College prep programs for high school students allow for a more full and rounded understanding of what their career path could potentially look like, and how their collegiate career might factor in. In fact, according to an impact study by the American Institutes For Research, early college students (80 percent) were significantly more likely to enroll in college than comparison students (71 percent).

Many colleges and universities have these types of programs available as a part of their curriculum, and there are key benefits to taking advantage of enrollment:

Meeting New And Diverse People

The social aspects of collegiate learning cannot be understated. From living in dorms on campus with each other to attending lectures together to enjoying extracurricular or off-campus adventures, the bonds formed during college are incredibly important to one’s experience and education. And this goes beyond simply meeting other students. Participants will also have the opportunity to meet advisors, professors, and tutors who could help you explore your opportunities, as well as business coaches and professionals who can act as mentors and even provide references for your college application or when you are embarking on the start of your career.

And all of these new connections can also help to develop a broader perspective and a greater understanding of the world around you, cultivating empathy, improving problem solving abilities, and realizing other cognitive benefits.

Experiencing The College Environment First-Hand

Summer programs give high school students first-hand knowledge of what it’s like to live on campus and become part of a college community. Understanding this environment, how it affects you, and what it means for your ability to learn and grow is a critical consideration when deciding to further your education.

By enrolling, you will get a sense of what will be expected in college-level courses, including time management, adapting to and communicating with different instructors, and the depth of immersion required for various subject matters. This will enable you to address any necessary skill gaps before becoming a full-time student.

Learning Valuable Skill Sets For The Future

This type of program allows students the chance to study a subject and get hands-on experience beyond what is offered at the high school level, gaining the skills colleges and future employers consistently look for in applicants, such as communication skills, critical thinking skills, and immersion in specific speciality subjects.

This exploration can also lead to the exposure of new subjects or areas of study that students may not have considered or even have even known about previously. It can also lead to an increased understanding of how personal interests can evolve into professional pursuits and how to apply these essential skill sets to a future career that will be satisfying and rewarding.

Earning College Credits To Stay Ahead

The benefits these programs include more than just a first-hand feel for college living. You can actually get a head start on your freshman year by earning college credits. Not only does this save on time and allow students to enter their selected major coursework more quickly, but it also saves on overall tuition costs. Furthermore, applying to colleges and universities with this type of experience offers you a chance to showcase your ability to perform at the college level and can aid in placement for other courses to ensure you are getting the best education possible.

And the effects of this jumpstart can be felt throughout one’s academic career. In the aforementioned impact study from the American Institutes For Research, a key finding showed early college students were 20 percent more likely to attain their degree, exhibiting a stronger impact for female students, minority students, and students from lower income households.

A pre-college summer program is all about learning – learning about academic subjects, life at college, and about yourself. Regardless of whether or not you already have an idea of the field or course of study you would pursue, these programs can give you the knowledge and experience needed to make tough decisions and achieve your goals, both long and short term.

Why A Summer Business Program?

No matter what field you may be considering, or even if you still aren’t sure, the demand for business acumen and associated skill sets is growing, and isn’t showing signs of stopping. The current job market is extremely competitive, and companies, no matter the industry, want to hire young professionals who are able to make an immediate impact in the workplace.

These pre-college business programs call upon professional communities and networks around the world to educate and inspire tomorrow’s leaders to explore business best practices, examine complex challenges across the business landscape, and take their first steps towards realizing their potential to transform our world.

The best part? Finding an academic program that anticipates this tenacious job market doesn’t have to be difficult. The future-focused Albers Summer Business Institute is a great way for future leaders to get ahead and sample the guidance, curriculum, and opportunities that the top business schools offer.

Albers Summer Business Institute

(SBI) at Seattle University has been supporting the underserved communities in greater Seattle for 18 years, serving as a platform for young students to achieve the greatness of which they are capable. SBI is a credit-granting, project-based summer business camp for high school students focused on social entrepreneurship and provides youth from African-American, Latino/Hispanic, Native American Indigenous, and Pacific Islander heritages the opportunity to explore economics, data analytics, marketing, and more.

Emphasis on team-based collaboration, corporate engagement, and allows students a glimpse at the real-world application of these new skill sets though career panels and interactions with corporate partners. One of the more exciting portions of the program’s syllabus is the business simulation which takes students through the development of a business with a team to present in front of corporate leaders.

Albers School of Business and Economics is dedicated to instilling a love of learning, and we hope that you will consider . We look forward to the opportunity to guide you in what we know will be an amazing career.


Albers School of Business and Economics

November 30, 2021