Home Blog The Top 10 Benefits of an MBA for Your Professional Growth

The Top 10 Benefits of an MBA for Your Professional Growth

June 15, 2024
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You’ve likely heard some of the career benefits of an MBA degree before: C-suite connections, professional prestige, and up-to-date business knowledge. But with the time and money that you have to commit to the program, it’s normal to want to know exactly what you’ll get in return from this popular business degree. Read more about ten important ways an MBA can benefit you.

Key Skills Acquired Through an MBA

All MBA programs aim to hone core business competencies like leadership, strategy, finance, and marketing. Some specialized MBAs add industry-specific expertise in areas like healthcare or entrepreneurship, while others may emphasize a particular skillset like finance or marketing.

What Are the Benefits of an MBA?

Building your skills through education can increase personal satisfaction in your work, earning potential, and job satisfaction. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that median earnings go up and the unemployment rate goes down with every educational attainment from a high school diploma to a professional degree.1

Increased earning potential is one of the key MBA degree benefits people seek, and it’s the first item on our list. But a higher salary is really just the beginning of the lifetime professional and personal benefits you can reap from the experiences and skills you’ll gain when you commit to yourself and your future career by enrolling in an MBA program.

1. Higher Salary

One of the most popular draws for young professionals to an MBA program is the promise of higher earning potential after graduation. Well, the rumors are true: the average starting salary for MBA grads is about $125,000.2 That, along with an average signing bonus of $22,776 and the prospect of continued salary growth, can quickly add up.3

It’s important to note that an MBA isn’t a one-way ticket to the C-suite, and it certainly doesn’t happen overnight. However, because of this significant salary potential, you’ll be glad to know that your post-graduation salary can also be impressively high. Employers recognize how much time and energy an MBA program demands and often support them with tuition reimbursement or loan repayment programs.4, 5

2. Deeper Leadership Skills

For any business-savvy company, knowing how to successfully manage and lead a team isn’t just a bonus, but a prerequisite for senior roles (and most understand that management and leadership are two different things). If moving into a senior position is on the list of MBA benefits you seek, then you’re on the right track.

A majority of MBA programs include exercises or even entire courses on people management and team dynamics. This helps professionals at any point in their career improve their communication and collaboration skills to empower and encourage everyone they work with. At Seattle Albers School of Business and Economics, for example, each course in the Online MBA program features a Leadership Challenge to help students develop the right mindset to communicate cross-functionally and lead a team to success.

3. A More-Informed Career Path

Unlike other, more specialized degrees, an MBA provides a unique opportunity for students to learn skills in multiple business areas. This can include marketing, finance, risk management, international business, negotiations, and more. With broader knowledge and experience in different fields, you can refine your interests and make more informed decisions about your future.

For those firmly committed to a particular path, some schools offer the option to specialize your MBA (e.g., an MBA in Marketing). However, you might want to consider whether you should pursue an MBA or something like a Master’s in Marketing or Accounting to gain the necessary skills for that industry.

4. Larger, More Diverse Network

There are several ways that your MBA program can create connections: your cohort, school faculty, alumni, networking events, career fairs, and more. Opportunities like these can make the difference between wishfully applying for jobs and securing an interview. From first introductions to post-graduation, an expanded network is a huge advantage for business professionals.

If you attend a graduate school like Seattle Albers, you’ll also have access to more extensive resources like a job board, mentor program, alumni connectors, professional panels, and expert podcasts. If you’re in the Seattle region, this can help open doors for you at competitive companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Boeing, and Zillow.

5. Modern/Leading Business Knowledge

No matter how long you’ve been working, you can be sure that the business world has changed since you finished undergrad; new software, best practices, and capabilities are constantly being created, and very few working professionals have the time to keep up.

A quality MBA program will stay current on these changes and incorporate the latest findings into your curriculum. You’ll be trained to navigate the complexities of modern business with a fresh lens and a proven skill set that only a graduate degree can offer. Then, you can use those talents to help your company stay ahead of the curve—and you’ll become an invaluable asset.

6. Flexible Schedule for Work

It’s highly encouraged (and often required) that you have professional experience before starting your MBA, so being able to balance work with coursework is a necessity. Luckily, a majority of programs offer flexible options to complete your degree, including part-time, full-time, accelerated, or online methods. Evaluate your current working situation and ask your employer how best to proceed, then talk to a university representative about their MBA offerings.

If you're concerned about the financial and career implications of taking time off work, don’t worry. An Online MBA program lets you take classes when it’s convenient for you so you never miss a day in the office.

Not only can you continue working while you’re in an Online MBA program, but this format also offers other MBA benefits. The collaboration, research and communication tools you will use in your Online program help you master the skills to thrive in a remote or hybrid work environment. Because Online MBAs have lower geographic and economic barriers—you don’t have to give up your income while you study—you will see a more diverse mix of peers in your classes, and that diversity broadens your cultural and business horizons.

A third advantage may just be one of the best online MBA benefits: If you intend to continue in your current line of work, you can immediately use the skills you develop in each of your Online MBA courses to advance on your career path rather than waiting until you graduate.6

Seattle University’s Albers School of Business and Economics offers a highly flexible Online MBA. The courses are delivered asynchronously, so you can study whenever it’s convenient for you. In addition, location is no longer a limiting factor. You don’t have to live nearby, and you don’t have to commute. Talk with an admissions outreach advisor to find out more about the advantages of Seattle University’s Online MBA.

7. Global Perspective on Business

Several aspects of Online MBAs can help you develop a global business perspective, including the composition of the student body and the expertise of the faculty, specific courses and the ability to collaborate virtually.

Diverse Student Body

Many online programs attract international students, and collaborating with classmates from varied cultures and business backgrounds broadens your understanding of global markets and approaches.

Global Curriculum

Programs often incorporate international case studies, projects, or coursework. Seattle University's Online MBA includes courses on Domestic and Global Economies and International Management, for example.

Virtual Collaboration

Online programs utilizing virtual team projects and discussions simulate the collaborative nature of international business, giving you experience working effectively across geographical and cultural divides.

Faculty Expertise

Look for programs with instructors who have experience working internationally or conducting global research. Seattle University faculty bring a wealth of international industry and academic expertise, covering markets from the Americas, Europe, and Asia.

8. Personal Development

An online MBA can support your personal growth by fostering self-discipline and strengthening your communication skills. Interactions with diverse peers broaden your horizons and enhance your communication and collaboration skills. These skills benefit you in all areas of your life, not just in your career, so this could be considered one of the best reasons to get an MBA.

There’s no denying that getting an MBA while juggling work and life commitments requires dedication and time management skills. Developing those skills will serve you well in leadership roles. Since you’re seeking to enhance your leadership abilities, remember that the Seattle U Albers Online MBA has threaded unique leadership challenges throughout the entire online curriculum. These challenges will help you translate your coursework into real-world leadership skills.

9. Specialized Knowledge and Expertise

Business leadership demands both the “soft skills” for working with people and the analytic and management skills for specific functions. Any good MBA program will help you hone core business competencies in strategy, finance, and marketing. You'll learn about the latest advancements in digital marketing and fintech, along with financial modeling, data analysis techniques, and marketing metrics, gaining the ability to translate data into actionable business insights.

10. Adaptability and Resilience

Successful organizations are adaptable and resilient, requiring leaders with those qualities. MBA programs, by design, help you become more flexible in your approaches to problem-solving and management. When collaborating with students from diverse backgrounds and on divergent schedules, you’ll build the flexibility you need to respond to the dynamics of modern business.

Reap the Benefits of an MBA at Seattle University

All the benefits listed above—and more!—are standard for an Online MBA from Seattle University. Our rigorous curriculum, experienced faculty, and extensive Seattle network make your graduate school investment more than worthwhile. Start an application today to make these benefits your reality.