Home Blog What’s the Average Age of MBA Students in 2024?

What’s the Average Age of MBA Students in 2024?

June 14, 2024
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A Master's in Business Administration (MBA) is one of the most sought-after degrees in the business world, promising a significant salary increase and a quick passage up the corporate ladder. No matter what industry you work in, an MBA can give you an edge over competitors when aiming for a promotion. So how do you know when you're ready to take this important career step? Continue reading as we explore this question.

Technically, there's never a bad time to start the journey towards getting your MBA, although outcomes may differ depending on age and work experience. In some rare cases, a student will go straight into their MBA program directly after graduating, but this is encouraged only under exceptional circumstances. There’s not one single type of MBA student. People decide to earn MBAs for many different reasons. Common reasons include:

  • Changing fields
  • Advancing with their current employer
  • Changing employers
  • Growing their professional network
  • Broadening or updating their skills
  • Improving their marketability

Different types of MBA programs have evolved to meet the different needs and life situations of students, and the average age of MBA students varies across schools and MBA program types.

The Value of an MBA in 2024

An MBA from the Albers School of Business and Economics sharpens your leadership skills and deepens your understanding of diverse business areas like marketing, finance, and international affairs. It also connects you with a wide network of professionals, providing numerous career development opportunities.

Financially, MBA graduates see higher earning potential. The national average starting salary is around $125,000 per year.1 Different industries and regions offer different average MBA salaries, and it’s worth taking the time to investigate these variations as you consider your MBA options.

Do You Need Work Experience for an MBA?

Unlike typical undergraduate degrees, MBA programs focus more on practical business information than on theoretical knowledge. This emphasis on real-world application is why universities prefer a mix of students from diverse backgrounds and industries. Experienced professionals bring fresh ideas and new examples of day-to-day business operations.

Different MBA program formats–including full-time, part-time and online MBAs–draw different student demographics. U.S. News reports that full-time MBA program students typically have about four years of work experience before starting their MBA. In part-time programs, this average increases to just under seven years.2 A significant benefit of online university programs like the one at Seattle University is that you can earn an MBA in your spare time without taking a break from your job.

The Average Age of MBA Students in the U.S.

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated changing perceptions about online education. Applications for online MBA programs spiked in 2019-2020, highlighting their value.3

Online programs offer greater flexibility in scheduling coursework and minimize geographic barriers to attendance. These factors have drawn students of all ages to online programs.

Diverse student cohorts add value to an MBA program. Because MBA programs integrate peer-to-peer learning, universities strive to admit diverse students and create MBA cohorts with various experiences. Extreme age differences between students may create a cultural mismatch, but effective communication across cultures and business situations is an increasingly important executive skill that business schools aim to develop.4 So don't worry too much about your age when you’re considering an MBA. Your focus should really be on what you hope to get from the MBA and if the program is a good fit for your goals and life situation.

Average Age of MBA Students at Seattle University

Students in Seattle University’s Online MBA program range in age from their early 20s to their 50s, with the largest numbers of students in their mid-20s to mid-30s.

The average age of MBA students entering the program is 34 years old and the average amount of work experience is just over eight years. Given the 2.5-year timeline to complete the part-time program, the average age of MBA graduates from the Seattle University program is about 37.

Is There a Difference Between Online and Traditional MBA Age?

As noted above, there are clear differences in the years of work experience for MBA students in full-time, part-time, and online programs. There are also differences in the average age of students in each type of program. Full-time program students average about 27 years old when starting. The flexibility and convenience of part-time programs attract older students, who often earn good salaries and have extensive family commitments. Nationally, part-time MBA students average 29 years old.5

Seattle University's online MBA stands out for its unique blend of flexibility and personal interaction. Designed for working professionals, the program combines the best features of traditional and online MBAs. It offers small class sizes, individual attention, and a workload that is manageable with real-world curriculum application. Leadership development is integrated into every course, helping students build strategic insights and leadership skills.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Certain Ages?

Technically, there is no specific age that is any better or worse to earn an MBA. The average MBA age is just that, an average. It doesn’t determine what age you should be when you enroll. What's more important is the amount of work experience you have, your qualifications and career goals, and whether you have something unique to offer the course. The best MBA programs have a wide variety of students of all ages from all walks of life, each contributing their own knowledge and experiences to the class.5

Younger students tend to lack the insights and worldliness of older, more experienced candidates but usually have more up-to-date knowledge of modern business concepts, particularly in technology. MBA candidates with only two to three years of work experience likely graduated with exceptionally high marks and chose to get started on their MBA early. Where they lack real-life business experience, they will likely bring strong theoretical and academic knowledge to the course.

Older students can bring a wealth of real-world experiences to an MBA course, offering practical knowledge that can only be learned from years of working in a corporate environment, and these insights are crucial to a well-rounded MBA course.

However, if it has been eight years or more since they graduated, older students might find they struggle with some newer concepts found in today's university curriculums. Fortunately, they can work with younger students to trade their invaluable life experience for help with learning more modern concepts. In this way, we can see how both younger and older students contribute meaningfully to an MBA class.

Secure Your Future Now With an Online MBA from Seattle U

If you're ready to take that important next step in your career, you can't beat an MBA for its powerful career-broadening opportunities. Whether you plan to start your own company or one day become CEO at your current employer, an MBA will teach you everything you need to know about running a business.

If you're concerned about the financial and career implications of taking time off work, never fear—with an Online MBA program, you can do classes when it's convenient for you and never miss a day in the office. No matter your age or work situation, an Online MBA from Seattle University can help you to achieve your dreams of corporate success.