acct-0051-Elias Kazemi

Elias Kazemi

Job Title: Risk Consultant Senior
Company: Ernst & Young
Industry: Professional Services
Will Mentor: Accounting
Mentor Type: Accounting


Job Description

Currently working at EY under the Risk Consulting service line. Work is mainly structured around IA and continuous monitoring of business process controls along with some SOX controls.

Company Description

EY is a Big 4 accounting / professional services firm, mainly known for the audit services it provides.

Employment History

Been working at EY since Aug 2022.


Graduated from Seattle U in 2022. Major in Accounting, Finance, and Business Analytics.

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

I would like to provide honesty about Big 4 and also help students with any recruting related questions they have. My availability is evenings (after 5) during the week or during lunch hour (12p-1p)

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

Hybrid (mix of in-person and virtual). I live close to the Seattle U campus, so I can meet anywhere in that area.