
Emma McGill

Job Title: Financial Analyst
Company: Stryker
Industry: Medical Technology
Will Mentor: Accounting
Mentor Type: Accounting


Job Description

I am in a 3 year finance and accounting rotational program. I am about to start my 2nd year in the program. My first rotation was in the Joint Replacement business on the financial reporting team. This included of month end sales reporting, projections cycles, budget, and ad-hoc financial reporting requests. My 2nd rotation will consist of supporting our manufacturing plants P&L.

Company Description

Stryker is a global leader in medical devices.

Employment History

Stryker since July 2022


Seattle U Accounting Major- Grad June 2022!

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

Career guidance and helping to encourage students to not be afraid to explore different paths in accounting/finance directly out of college. Something so important to me is being able to try different realms of corporate finance and see what I enjoy most!

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

I prefer in the afternoon!

Additional Information

I am a huge advocate of doing things outside of your comfort zone! Moving around and being adaptable to help grow your personal and professional skills.