
Katrina Perlewitz

Job Title: Partner
Company: Armanino LLP
Industry: Federal income tax (corporate and passthrough) - variety of industries
Will Mentor: Accounting
Mentor Type: Accounting


Job Description

I am a tax partner in the Bellevue office specializing in corporate taxation as well as pass-through entities.

Company Description

Armanino is a top 25 accounting firm in the US. Our purpose is to be the most innovative and entrepreneurial firm that makes a positive impact on the lives of our clients, our communities and our people.

Employment History

Armanino: July 2023 - present, EY: August 2007 - June 2023, KPMG: July 2003 - August 2007


MA and BA in Accounting from the University of Florida

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

I'm passionate about helping others connect with their purpose at work so that they can maximize their potential and fulfillment in their chosen careers. Preferred discussion topics might be what are you looking for in an employer, in a company and WHY does that matter to you?

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

I'd prefer mid-morning to mid-afternoon; my schedule is fairly flexible 1-2 weeks in advance.