
Nanty Carlson

Job Title: Accounting Advisory Consultant
Company: Effectus Group
Industry: Technology, Consulting
Will Mentor: Accounting
Mentor Type: Accounting


Job Description

The Managed Accounting Services (MAS) practice is the solution for companies that need skilled corporate accountants for interim assistance. The MAS team specializes in high growth clients that have dynamic needs.

Company Description

Effectus Group is an accounting advisory consulting firm headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our firm is comprised of former PwC, D&T, EY, and KPMG alumni and former public company finance executives. Our professionals have advised the accounting, finance, and corporate development teams of the world’s most exclusive companies.

Employment History

Ernst & Young (2016-2020), Skillz Inc. (2020-2022), Chalice Brands Ltd (2022-2023)


B.A.B.A. Accounting, Seattle University (2015), M.S. Accounting, St. Mary's College (2016)

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

Bridging the gap between what you learn in school and how to apply it in the professional world. Not only be a sounding board for professional and personal goals, but helping you position yourself to make forward progress at any stage. Challenging the way you think about the accounting profession!

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

Flexible with either in-person or virtual meetings depending on the student's preference.