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Nguyen Le

Job Title: Senior Investment Analyst
Company: Vietnam Investment Group
Industry: Investment Management
Will Mentor: Accounting
Mentor Type: Accounting


Job Description

Typical responsibilities include supporting investment teams by assessing investment opportunities, structuring LOIs, conducting company and industry due diligence, building financial models, working with legal and financial advisors on deal structuring issues and gaining exposure to the transaction negotiations. Professionals will also work closely with portfolio company management teams to evaluate add-on investments, assess opportunities in new and existing markets and improve core operations.

Company Description

VI (Vietnam Investments) Group is a private equity firm that focuses on high growth businesses in Vietnam. VI Group was founded in 2006 by experienced operators, entrepreneurs and investors with a long standing interest and affiliation with Asia and Vietnam. VI Group provides early-stage and expansion capital to industry-leading companies and works with management to grow revenue and margins and improve operations, thus creating shareholder value. VI Group seeks to add value to portfolio companies through assisting with strategy development, recruiting, operations, bringing leading international partners as co-investors, financial restructuring and/or industry consolidation.

Employment History

Vietnam Investment Group: Senior Investment Analyst (03/2022-now) Investment Analyst (11/2018-03/2022) Investment Intern (07/2018-10/2018) Deloitte Vietnam: Audit Summer Trainee (07/2017-08/2017)


Seattle University: Bachelor of Business Administration, Accounting Major, Finance Minor (Class of 2018). Graduated Magna Cum Laude Green River College: Associate in Business (Class of 2016)

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

I prefer to work with students who want to explore investment industry and want to gain more market knowledge and exposure in Vietnam market.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

100% online. Prefer to be in the morning