
Tyler Christopher

Job Title: Audit Manager
Company: Deloitte
Industry: Public Accounting
Will Mentor: Accounting
Mentor Type: Accounting


Job Description

Our professionals provide independent financial statement and internal control audits, in accordance with the latest professional standards and with a focus on quality. Audits and reviews are planned to assess and identify possible risk—whether the risk of a material misstatement or a risk in internal controls. Our professionals work closely with our clients to encourage two-way communication and to minimize surprises.

Company Description

The Seattle office of Deloitte is one of the largest of the Big Four professional service organizations in the State of Washington, employing nearly 800 professionals. The office serves nine of the ten largest companies and the major industries in the region, and also provides a dedicated practice for emerging growth and mid-market companies.

Employment History

See Linked In Profile


Seattle University - Accounting and Management Major

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

Public accounting, recruiting, CPA questions, and work/life balance.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

I am open to meeting both in-person and virtually depending on your preference.