
Wagane Diadhiou

Job Title: Sr. Financial Analyst
Company: Seattle Pacific University
Industry: Academia
Will Mentor: Accounting
Mentor Type: Accounting


Job Description

• Maintain and develop robust budget models by analyzing large data sets of financial and non-financial information • Assist with the faculty salary process by projecting salaries for about over 200 faculties • Oversee the grant management process by ensuring compliance with grant agencies, federal grant policies and internal policies • Provide insights to executives to achieve revenue goals through the review of financial reports that assesses the health of the organization • Assist with the annual financial audit and preparation of audit reports • Manage and maintain financial analysis and budgeting policies

Company Description

Seattle Pacific University is the only private university in the Pacific Northwest to make the 2018 U.S. News and World Report’s Best National Universities list. SPU is a Christian university fully committed to engaging the culture and changing the world by graduating people of competence and character, becoming people of wisdom, and modeling grace-filled community.

Employment History

Pwc, Seattle Pacific University


Seattle University

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

Teach students through my mistakes and give advice on how to avoid some of the mistakes I did -@ Provide networking tips -@ What type of skills should they focus on

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

- Mondays 12:00PM-2:00PM - Wednesdays 12:00PM-2:00PM - Fridays 8:00AM-12:00PM

Additional Information

I love music and make beats on my free time