
Bob Binford

Job Title: Finance Manager
Company: Robinhood Markets
Industry: FinTech
Mentor Since: Fall 2021
Will Mentor: Undergraduate Students, Early Career MBA
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

I started working with Robinhood in Q1 2022. I help the product teams understand the profitability of new products being launched. Prior to Robinhood, I was at AWS for about three years supporting the AWS Applications space. If you are interested in learning more about tech jobs, corporate finance, or product management let's connect.

Company Description

Robinhood was founded on a simple idea—that our financial markets should be accessible to all. In an industry where barriers have prevailed for too long, this hasn’t always been easy. We’re leveling the playing field by making trading more intuitive, more affordable, and more inclusive to ensure that everyone, regardless of wealth or industry knowledge, feels empowered to participate in the financial system.

Employment History

Prior to Robinhood I was at AWS for about three years. Prior to AWS, I worked in private equity owned Med-tech companies (Vyaire and Physio-Control). Vyaire builds ventilators and Physio builds defibrillators. AWS is a really great place to build a finance career with loads of data and engineers who really value having Finance at the table. My experience prior to AWS has been in the med-tech space with a focus on companies owned by private equity (Bain Capital and APAX partners).


I did my undergrad at Seattle U, majoring in Economics and have a Masters degree in Finance from Notre Dame (Go Irish!).

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

I am looking to help students launch their careers whether in corporate finance, product management, entrepreneurship, or whatever interests them. I ask that students come to our meetings with a curious mind and a commitment to improvement. My favorite professor at Seattle U used to say "90% is showing up".

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

A mixture of in-person and virtual