
Bryan Taylor

Job Title: Executive Coach
Company: Capital Industries
Industry: manufacturing
Mentor Since: Fall 2024
Will Mentor: Graduate Students
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

I am small business owner of a privately help manufacturing company. My passion is leadership executive coaching and helping people understand they are fully capable in achieving personal goals. Navigating this world can be challenging - “ can I offer to be your confidential thinking partner? As an endurance athlete, I understand the work(practice) often times will show up in the outcome. My only request is you show up ready to participate (being coached) and we have fun learning together! If you are curious and what to learn more, I welcome the conversation as your Mentor(Coach)! Aloha, Bryan

Company Description

Executive coaching


Seattle University - Leadership Executive MBA 2013. Newfield Network - ICF Certified Coaching program.

Mentoring Objectives & Scope


When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

100% virtual