
Chris Longston

Job Title: Consultant
Company: 501 Commons
Industry: Non-Profit
Mentor Since: Fall 2009
Will Mentor: Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Early Career MBA
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

Provide project-based consulting services to a variety of non-profit organizations, including analysis of key issues and creation of action plans to achieve desired results. 501 Commons (formerly Executive Service Corps of Washington) is a nonprofit consulting organization committed to strengthening the capacity of nonprofit agencies by providing expert analysis and guidance on board leadership, nonprofit management, business planning, and fiscal sustainability.

Company Description

501 Commons provides expertise to nonprofits through 30+ services, including a full range of management consulting; technology consulting (IT planning and database development); outsourced HR, accounting, IT infrastructure, and database management services; professional development and board training; and free advisory services.

Employment History

Chris spent 27 years at PACCAR in a variety of executive positions in the US and Europe. He was responsible for developing IT strategies to support business initiatives in sales, marketing, engineering, manufacturing, materials management, finance and after-market support. In 2013, Chris joined Altruist Partners to pursue his passion of working with non-profits to help them magnify the impact of their work. In 2018, he joined the Pacific Science Center in a role that brought together his background with both technology and nonprofits. Chris continued his focus on serving the community by joining the Seattle Public Library in 2020.


MBA - Seattle University BS - Washington State University

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

I enjoy helping students leverage their Seattle U. degree and plan for their next career steps. Topics I've covered in past years include resume writing/reviews, interviewing, networking, job searches, setting up informational interviews, and tours of various facilities where I've worked. My style in informal and interactive. I expect students to bring their ideas of what they want to accomplish, be proactive in scheduling meetings, and be engaged in the discussion.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

Flexible - I work and live in Seattle