
Curtis Yasutake

Job Title: Vice President
Company: Pacific Current Group
Industry: Asset Management
Mentor Since: Fall 2012
Will Mentor: Undergraduate Students
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

• Lead/co-lead all aspects of the transaction process, including deal sourcing, due diligence, deal structuring, deal documentation, and negotiation of terms with target companies • Source ~75 live deals annually • Participate in ongoing portfolio company relationship management, with board seat and relationship lead for one investment. • Responsible for all financial modeling for prospective investments

Company Description

Pacific Current Group (formerly Northern Lights Capital Group and Treasury Group Ltd) is a multi-boutique asset management group dedicated to identifying and collaborating with the brightest boutique investment managers around the world. Combining unrivaled manager research and intellectual capital with strategic resources and relationships across the spectrum of investor channels, we help our portfolio companies and clients thoughtfully grow their assets.

Employment History

Russell Investments, Research Analyst (Nov. 2010-September 2018) Wurts & Associates, Research Analyst/Performance Analyst (Sept. 2008-Nov. 2010)


Seattle University, BA Business; University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business: MBA (2020)

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

I hope to help students pursue careers in investments. The industry can be difficult to navigate, particularly in Seattle, since most of the firms are smaller boutiques and do not have formal recruiting processes. I can also provide general interviewing and resume advice.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

Mostly virtual