
Emily Daniel

Job Title: Senior Business Relationship Manager
Company: JPMorganChase
Industry: Finance, banking, sales, management
Mentor Since: Fall 2023
Will Mentor: Undergraduate Students, Early Career MBA
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

I currently work with a portfolio of businesses with up to $20mm in annual revenue as their primary banker for lending, cash flow, day to day operations.

Company Description

JPMorgan Chase has been serving the Seattle area for over 10 years. With 85 branches and more than 1,000 local employees, we're proud to offer award-winning service to our 818,000 customers, from Lake City to Delridge, Ballard to Bellevue. But we’re working to become more than just a trusted banking partner in the region: whether through our collaboration with the University of Washington’s Consulting and Business Development Center, our partnership with the Seattle Housing Authority, or our work with a host of other nonprofits throughout Seattle, we’re working to build opportunity and revitalize neighborhoods, improve education and help startups. Most of all, we’re joining you to build a strong, vital Seattle.

Employment History

15 years experience working in the banking industry


Seattle University, International Business BA Seattle University, Executive Leadership MBA

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

I hope to help students find their objective after graduation and find their passion in the workplace. I am open to utilizing my network, experience, and skillset to help guide new graduates in the daunting post-grad world. As exciting as graduation can be, post-collegiate life can be a reality check, and I hope to help soften that transition.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

Monday - Friday mornings Monday - Thursday early afternoons/evenings