
Emily Scarmuzzi

Job Title: Senior Consultant
Company: Slalom Consulting
Industry: Data Analytics and Consulting
Mentor Since: Fall 2019
Will Mentor: Undergraduate Students
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

Delivering end to end data analytics solutions for clients including visualizations, governance, strategy, and engineering.

Company Description

Slalom is a purpose-led, global business and technology consulting company.

Employment History

Started at Slalom in September 2019. Previously worked in the logistics industry at Expeditors International in various roles as a BI Supervisor, Account Manager, and an Operations Associate.


BA in International Business, Seattle University & Certificate in Data Analytics, UW

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

Our meeting topics can be decided by the student. I've had a non-traditional route to the world of data and am happy to share my experience and network with students. We can talk about career guidance, do resume reviews, mock interviews, an office field trip, leadership exercises, etc.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

A mixture of in-person and virtual. Weekday evenings on campus or downtown Seattle.