
Gene Boes

Job Title: President and CEO
Company: Northwest Center
Industry: Non-Profit, Health and Human Services
Mentor Since: Fall 2013
Will Mentor: Undergraduate Students, Early Career MBA
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

President and CEO

Company Description

Making the World More Inclusive of People with Disabilities. Making Business and Education Better through Inclusion. Comprehensive, Disability-Inclusive Education, Therapy & Employment Services from Cradle through Career. Consultation & Services to Empower Businesses & Schools to Become Inclusive. From the start, Northwest Center has defied the status quo. Our founders were Seattle moms who insisted their kids with disabilities could learn—and who wrote the first national legislation to ensure education for all children. Northwest Center went on to develop inclusive early learning and to create a culture where people with disabilities are valued in the workplace. And we’re committed to continue that work today with programs and services that remove barriers for people with disabilities to reach their highest potential from birth to retirement, and that train schools and businesses to embrace and implement inclusive and anti-ableist practices that benefit everyone.

Employment History

May 1986 - January 1995: Officer, US Navy January 1995 - June 1997: Senior Consultant, Delloite & Touche Consulting (Seattle Office) June 1997 - January 2011: Director, Microsoft Corporation February 2011 - December 2014: Managing Director, Loft9 Consulting January 2015 - April 2017: Principal, North Highland Company June 2017 - Present: President & CEO, Northwest Center


B.A English, Computer Applications (University of Notre Dame) M.S. Information Management (Marymount University)

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

I would like to mentor graduate and undergraduate students to help them understand what their career options are, help them understand what their passions are, and to help align their decisions/activities accordingly. I can speak in detail about consulting and multiple industries. My only expectations are that my mentees be 1.) truly invested in themselves, 2.) willing to work hard to achieve their goals, and 3.) life-long-learners.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

A mixture of in-person and virtual. I can meet early mornings, mid-day, or evenings, I am flexible on locations, and can meet in Seattle or anywhere on the east side.