
John Rostas

Job Title: Chairman
Company: Mid Mountain Materials, Inc.
Industry: Manufacturing
Mentor Since: Fall 2007
Will Mentor: Graduate Students, Early Career MBA
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

Experienced in managing high technology programs from concept development to product delivery for Fortune 100 companies. Broad international and domestic experience managing both customer and supplier relationships. Rapid progression through engineering and operations leadership roles, program management, and general management in the appliance, aerospace, and financial services industries. Strengths include building teams that value cross-functional working relationships.

Company Description

Mid-Mountain Materials, Inc. is an ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturer of engineered thermal insulation barriers and seals that provide environmental protection, emissions control, and energy conservation.

Employment History

Board Membership - 6 years Live Nation Entertainment - 3 years JP Morgan Chase/Washington Mutual - 5 years Carrier Corporation - 4 years General Electric - 19 years


BS Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Syracuse University MBA - Tuck School, Dartmouth College

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

The student's needs are the focus of my mentoring sessions, whether they involve career planning and gap analysis, fine-tuning a resume and personal marketing collateral, the development of a practical networking plan, practice interviews, or just a discussion on successes/failures we have jointly had in the past, and what we have learned from them. Objectives are agreed upon at our first meeting, as we will use them to guide our discussions in the future. Bottom line: The sessions will be focused on what the STUDENT wants/needs, as well as being informal and fun.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

Prefer in person near campus or on the Eastside. Timing is totally flexible.